Switzerland's first MAS AI Leadership launched

The HWZ Zurich University of Applied Sciences is introducing Switzerland's first Master of Advanced Studies (MAS) in AI Leadership. The rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly demanding agile and innovation-oriented managers from Swiss companies.

Afke Schouten heads Switzerland's first MAS in AI Leadership. (Image: HWZ)

The MAS in AI Leadership HWZ was designed to equip specialists and managers with the necessary knowledge of AI and application-oriented, contemporary leadership skills to actively drive the AI transformation forward.

Competitive thanks to AI

The program, which requires a university degree (Bachelor), combines an in-depth understanding of AI with strategic business knowledge to optimally prepare future managers for the challenges of the AI working world. The course is aimed at specialists, junior managers and established managers who aspire to a leading position in the field of AI.

"The MAS AI Leadership can be completed on a part-time basis and teaches essential skills for the successful implementation of AI in SMEs and corporations," says Afke Schouten, Head of the HWZ degree program. "This includes not only aspects of digitalization, but also in-depth specialist knowledge in the field of AI. The continuing education programme requires a solid understanding of AI strategies, current technologies and methods in the field of AI as well as effective team and organizational building for AI projects."

Structure and content

The MAS AI Leadership HWZ is aimed at decision-makers, project managers and specialists with responsibility or reference to strategy, management or operation of data-driven projects or systems in the field of AI. Participants can come from a variety of relevant business fields, including Strategy & Business Development, Transformation & Innovation Management, AI Management, AI Transformation and more. A customized curriculum is offered, consisting of three Certificates of Advanced Studies (CAS): AI Management, AI Transformation and AI Innovation. The modular structure allows students to design their learning journey independently of the semester and according to their individual needs.

The lecturers on the program are well-known personalities and decision-makers from business and academia who ensure that teaching is practical and application-oriented. With a part-time study program and 1001TP3 days of work during the course, the MAS AI Leadership offers maximum flexibility for working students. This program concludes with the Master of Advanced Studies (MAS) in AI Leadership HWZ.

Source and further information: HWZ

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