Start of the new KV apprenticeship 2023

In August, around 12,000 young people will start the reformed commercial apprenticeship. It is the biggest reform in two decades. The focus of the two commercial apprenticeships "Kauffrau/-mann EFZ" and "Kauffrau/-mann EBA" is now holistically on the competencies. The new orientation of the basic training ensures the further development of the profession and optimally prepares the next generation for the challenges of the working world, according to the Swiss Commercial Association.

In August, 12,000 young people will start their commercial apprenticeship in 2023. (Image: Swiss Commercial Association/Merlin Photography Ltd.)

At the start of the 2023 apprenticeship program, the new education ordinances and curricula for the basic vocational training programs "Kauffrau/Kaufmann EFZ" and "Kauffrau/Kaufmann EBA" (previously Büroassistent:in EBA) will be implemented. With the reforms, the prerequisites were created to optimally prepare young business people for the changing world of work in the future. The KV is the most popular basic training in Switzerland and around 12,000 young professionals are starting their commercial training this month. Melinda Bangerter, Head of Education at the Swiss Commercial Association, is delighted with the new apprenticeship: "The groundbreaking KV reform comes into force after six years of intensive preparation. I am firmly convinced that the course has now been set for the successful further development of the KV profession in the age of digitalization."

Promoting the strengths of learners with action competencies

With the reorientation of the apprenticeship, the focus is now holistically on professional action skills. These are geared to the needs of the labor market and enable young people to shape their working and private lives independently. In a constantly changing economic and social environment, this is of great importance for both young people and the economy. "Teaching and testing according to action competence orientation is standard in vocational education today," explains Bangerter. The new orientation makes it possible to better address the different prerequisites and strengths of the learners as well as the needs of the training companies and industries - for example, by means of practical assignments in the companies, elective areas in the vocational school as well as an overarching online learning documentation. Bangerter: "We wish the learners, training companies, vocational schools and industries a successful start to the new commercial apprenticeship."

Zurich Square: Successful implementation thanks to constructive discussions

The working group "Forum for the new commercial apprenticeship in Zurich", which was initiated two years ago by the Commercial Association Zurich, has closely accompanied the implementation of the reform. Together with 13 Zurich-based representatives of the industries, employers, associations, schools and authorities involved, Switzerland's largest professional association in the commercial-business sector prepared the successful launch of basic commercial training. "The intensive discussion among the forum participants clearly showed how complex a reform of this magnitude is," said Amalia Zurkirchen, Managing Director of the Zurich Commercial Association. "As the sponsor of the KV Zurich business school, we are now experiencing first-hand how the new apprenticeship is being received by the learners. We are convinced that the constructive dialog in the Forum will bear fruit and wish all apprentices a successful start!"

As a professional and educational association, the Commercial Association offers a wealth of information and is available to answer questions about the new KV apprenticeship.


Extensive commitment to the new training

As the body responsible for the education ordinance and the education plan for the profession of "Kauffrau/Kaufmann EFZ", the Swiss Conference of Commercial Training and Examination Branches (SKKAB) is responsible for the further development of basic commercial training EFZ. The SKKAB has been committed to the new training together with all association and training partners since the beginning of 2018. These include the future 19 training and examination sectors, the vocational schools with their three school conferences, the Swiss Commercial Association, as well as the cantons and the federal government.


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