FFHS becomes official university partner of the ZSC Lions

The Distance Learning University of Applied Sciences Switzerland (FFHS) and ZSC Lions AG become cooperation partners. Together they want to create added value for Swiss sports by contributing to the strengthening of dual careers. A first product of this partnership, is the joint CAS "Digital Business in Sports".

Partnership sealed: Mike Kurt, co-program director CAS, Romano Caviezel, CTO ZSC Lions AG and Bora Altuncevahir, program director BSc Business Administration Sport Management. (Image: FFHS)

Around 130 professional athletes are now studying at the FFHS. Among them are Lia Wälti, captain of Swiss women's soccer, and ice hockey goalkeeper Leonardo Genoni of EV Zug. Thanks to the "blended learning" study model, top-level sport and university studies can be combined - an important offer for athletes to prepare their careers after their professional career in parallel. With the Bachelor of Business Administration in Sports Management, the FFHS has also turned its attention to the sports industry in recent years, especially in the areas of digital transformation, new technologies, sports tech, and digital business models.

Continuing education for after the sports career

Topics that are also very topical for ZSC Lions AG. The club has set itself the goal of being a pioneer in the Swiss ice hockey league when it comes to digital transformation. The commissioning of the new, modern "Swiss Life Arena" in October 2022 was a first milestone.

With FFHS as a new university partner, the ZSC/GCK Lions are underlining the importance of education and training in the professional sports environment. "In order to enter professional life after a successful sports career, further education is important. The FFHS has a wide range of continuing education courses tailored to athletes," says Romano Caviezel, member of the management board of ZSC Lions AG.

New CAS at the FFHS: Sport goes digital

For some years now, the sports business has been in a state of upheaval. New business models and the increasing importance of digital technologies are driving change. With the new CAS Digital Business into Sports, the FFHS is launching its first continuing education program in partnership with the ZSC/GCK Lions.

The CAS provides know-how in the areas of digitalization, sports tech and innovation, which complements the BSc Business Administration Sport Management. "This in-depth training enables graduates to play a key role in shaping the digital transformation in sports business," says co-director Ralf Kreuzer.

The CAS Digital Business in Sports comprises three modules and lasts two semesters. Like all courses of study, the FFHS also offers this continuing education in the flexible "blended learning model": 80 percent of the continuing education is completed in online study, while the classroom instruction takes place in the Gleisarena FFHS Campus at Zurich HB or also in the Swiss Life Arena. The course will start for the first time in October 2023, and the registration deadline is June 30, 2023.

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