Mental health: first aid talks for managers

Half of all employees show signs of a treatable mental illness during their working lives. A new course from Pro Mente Sana enables managers to recognize these at an early stage and create a healthy working environment.

The Corona pandemic is having an impact on employees, but how do managers conduct first-aid talks? In a new course, participants learn the necessary tools. (Image: Pro Mente Sana / Daniel Drognitz)

The measures surrounding the pandemic have affected the mental health of many people. Prevention and early detection have therefore become even more important for companies in recent months. After all, depression, anxiety disorders, psychoses or addictions are not as visible as acute physical injuries. Nevertheless, first aid is necessary, just like in an accident. In ensa's first aid courses for mental health, you can learn adequate behavior in case of mental problems of fellow human beings.

First aid talks for managers

Pro Mente Sana recorded twice as many registrations for the ensa first aid courses for mental health, according to a statement to the media. Until now, these were aimed at all interested lay people. Now, the foundation has launched an offer tailored to people with management responsibilities. The first edition of the "First Aid Talks for Leaders" course took place as a webinar on May 17. Others are available on the Website of ensa tendered.

Recognize behavioral changes

Managers make a significant contribution to an open working environment in which mental impairments are openly discussed and addressed. The Pro Mente Sana course shows them how best to deal with their special role. This means not approaching employees too hesitantly and still respecting their personal privacy at all times.

In the 4-hour course, people with management responsibility at all hierarchical levels learn to care for the health of their employees by recognizing changes early on and taking action before performance slumps, work stoppages or terminations occur. One focus is on the practical part, in which first-aid talks are practiced in role plays.

ensa courses as a basis

The contents of the "First Aid Talks for Managers" are based on the experience Pro Mente Sana has gained in conducting ensa courses as well as on the needs of organizations and companies.

ensa is a program of the Pro Mente Sana Foundation, co-initiated and supported by the Beisheim Foundation. Thanks to the joint commitment, the foundation stone was laid in 2019 for ensa courses in Switzerland, which have since been continuously developed and are already offered in several languages and formats.

Current course dates and times

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