Shaping the economy and society in cycles and becoming sustainable

The Basel School of Business and the Basel School of Art and Design of the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland FHNW are organizing the first "Full Circle" circular economy symposium at the end of March 2025. The participants from various sectors between business and regional development will lay the foundation for the "Basel Declaration on the Circular Economy".

Promoting innovation: The FHNW's "Full Circle" symposium networks players in the circular economy and sustainability. (Image: FHNW)

The economic environment is changing with climate change and increasing scarcity of resources. Innovative solutions in economic and regional development are needed to ensure quality of life and locational advantages. A recent study by the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland FHNW shows that innovative strength increases when stakeholders network and exchange ideas.

Study author and co-organizer of the symposium Tina Haisch, Professor of Innovation and Space at the FHNW School of Business, says: "Innovation and sustainability in social, environmental and economic development is increasingly happening between sectors. The circular economy creates synergies between different needs and offers a way forward."

Change of perspective and exchange for more innovation

The event is aimed at three groups: Politics and administration (municipal to federal) and Swiss companies. With their focus on the long-term needs of society as a whole on the one hand and the requirements of environmental conditions on the other, politicians and administrators create the political framework conditions for economic and regional development. At the "Full Circle" symposium, they meet stakeholders from business, research, education and civil society. These players will present their individual needs and approaches.

Co-organizer Ralf Michel, lecturer at the FHNW Academy of Art and Design Basel, is convinced: "Our speakers will present innovative changes of perspective and promising insights from their practice. Thanks to the interactive formats and opportunities for exchange, participants will delve deep into the aspects of sustainability and the circular economy and gain inspiration for their working environment."

International speakers and inspiring keynotes

The program deals with the topics of resource efficiency, climate protection and adaptation, circular innovations in the context of regulations and various sectors. Participants can expect a variety of exciting program items. These include thematic "deep dives" on selected key topics under the guidance of experts as well as keynote speeches by key players from research, regional development and business. A special highlight is the keynote speech by Lukas Bärfuss.

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