HEIG-VD announces the winners of the Swiss Ethics Award 2024

The Swiss Ethics Prize is awarded to organizations from Switzerland that are committed to projects in the field of social responsibility or sustainable development. It has been organized by HEIG-VD students since 2005. The 19th Ethics Prize was awarded on May 28 in the Aula Magna of the castle of Yverdon-les-Bains.

Panatere in Saignelégier is the winner of the Swiss Ethics Award for its commitment to the circular economy. (Image: www.heig-vd.ch)

The jury for the Swiss Ethics Award was made up of representatives from professional, private, student and non-profit circles. Its members were selected by the organizing committee on the basis of their commitment to sustainability and ethics in business.

This year, the jury honored the following projects:

  • Panatere in Saignelégier - ePanatere received an award for its commitment to the circular economy. Panatere collects waste from the production of components for the medical and watchmaking industries to give them a second life. Through ethics and sustainability, the project strives for a circular economy in production with 100 % recycling and reusability.


  • Kompotoi in Winterthur - was awarded for its aesthetic, environmentally friendly and completely odorless composting toilet solutions for garden sheds, festivals or mountain huts. Kompotoi rents out "homely" wooden toilets that are much more pleasant than conventional plastic/chemical toilets. The Kompotois are handmade in Switzerland with great attention to detail.


  • Rework in Bern - received Rework was awarded a prize for its social and ecological goals and for offering fashionable, aesthetic and comfortable garments using the upcycling concept. Rework transforms the textile chain into a cycle. The collections are produced in an environmentally friendly way from second-hand clothes, which are cut apart and sewn together again.

The "Coup de coeur" as a special student prize

AgroSustain in Renens - The additional prize at this event, the students' "Coup de Coeur", went to AgroSustain for the development and marketing of a natural coating that can be used to maintain the quality of fresh fruit and vegetables and cut flowers directly after harvesting right through to the end consumer.

The prize has two objectives: It is intended to highlight innovative projects that serve as role models for a more responsible future, and to raise awareness of these areas among the university's students.

Source: www.heig-vd.ch

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