Manufacturing IT promotes sustainability
With more than 45 years of project experience in the production environment, MPDV has extensive expertise and supports companies of all sizes on their way to the Smart Factory. With the new "Promotes Sustainability" seal of approval, the software provider MPDV will in future be labeling applications that ensure greater sustainability in the Smart Factory to a particular extent.
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Three aspects of sustainability
MPDV takes a broader view of the term "sustainability" and uses it to describe more than just the careful treatment of the environment. The experts for manufacturing IT understand it to mean any action that is ecological in the sense of environmental protection, economical in the sense of economic efficiency and long-term in the sense of continuous improvement. MPDV has created the "Promotes Sustainability" label for all three aspects of sustainability. In this way, the software provider wants to show its users starting points and provide them with suitable tools. The information, knowledge and advice gained in this way give companies a wide range of options for optimization. The MPDV products thus support sustainable, effective, resource- and energy-saving production.
Sustainability in action
Nathalie Kletti, Managing Director of MPDV, explains: "For us, sustainability is not a buzzword, but a permanent fixture in our work. With our software solutions for the Smart Factory, we help companies to produce not only more efficiently, but also more sustainably. Because we are convinced that the responsible use of resources forms the basis for long-term corporate success."
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