myclimate foundation now under collective management

The myclimate foundation is introducing a new management structure: The management of the Zurich-based organization for climate protection will be taken over jointly by the seven members of the previous management as of October.

The new collective management of the myclimate foundation. Top row from left to right: Kathrin Dellantonio, Florian Goppel, Christof Fuchs, Stefan Baumeister. Bottom row: Beat Nussbaumer, Miryam Escher and Kai Rassmus Landwehr. (Image: Sebastian Eppler, myclimate)

Seven instead of just one head at the top: The members of the executive board of the myclimate foundation will jointly succeed the previous CEO Stephen Neff, who is leaving the organization at his own request. The board of trustees of myclimate had voted in favor of this new model. With this step, the top management of myclimate expects that the new management structure will further strengthen the organisation in the current dynamic market environment. The collective knowledge, experience, and skills of the seven executives will form the foundation for optimally fulfilling myclimate's mission in the future, as it says: Together with partners from business and society, the goal is to implement effective climate protection through consulting, education, and projects.

Experience and complementary competencies

As of October 1, 2023, the operational management of myclimate will consist of the following seven people:

  • Kathrin Dellantonio, Managing Director of myclimate Switzerland: Born in South Tyrol, she has held various management positions at myclimate for around twenty years and is a specialist in advising companies on holistic climate protection.
  • Miryam Escher, Head of Corporate Services: Miryam Escher is an HR and finance expert who has accompanied various companies in her career. Since 2018, she has been responsible for HR, administration and finance at myclimate.
  • Stefan Baumeister, Managing Director myclimate Germany: After 16 years in the IT industry, Stefan Baumeister founded the subsidiary organization myclimate Deutschland gGmbH in 2009, which he has developed into a double-digit million turnover with a team of more than 40 people.
  • Christof Fuchs, Managing Director myclimate Austria: Christof Fuchs has been building up the Austrian business of myclimate from Vienna since January 2022. Previously, the experienced manager launched, among other things, the first nationwide car sharing system in Austria.
  • Florian Goppel, Head of Carbon Markets: The lawyer and MBA is an internationally experienced expert in sustainability, procurement and growth management. He has advised the European Union, among others. Since 2021, he and his team have been managing the myclimate carbon offset projects.
  • Beat Nussbaumer, Head of Innovation and Digitalization: Beat Nussbaumer is a passionate "Lean Manager" with a focus on project management and leadership tasks. Since 2020, he has been bringing these skills paired with his IT know-how to myclimate.
  • Kai Rassmus Landwehr, Head of Corporate Marketing: The graduate historian is a passionate communicator with roots in the sports industry who has helped shape the appearance of myclimate since 2013 and sharpened the brand message and direction.

myclimate foundation on new paths

The seven-member Executive Board will take up its new duties on October 1, 2023. In the coming weeks, the new managers will work together with the Board of Trustees - the highest authority for strategy and management of the foundation - to define the operational and administrative cooperation. Likewise, a seamless handover from outgoing CEO Stephen Neff will take place during this time. He, who has led myclimate as CEO since 2018, announced his retirement in April of this year. The enthusiastic diving instructor is taking the opportunity to take over a diving school on the Campbell River in British Columbia/Canada. For Stephen Neff, this closes a circle, as the Swiss-Canadian lived there until adulthood. Under his leadership, myclimate has grown from a pioneering foundation with 70 employees to a professional organization with 170 specialists with offices in Switzerland, Germany and Austria.

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