Climate Foundation Switzerland celebrates its 15th anniversary
The year 2008 was a milestone for climate protection in Switzerland. In response to the introduction of the CO2 tax, the Swiss Climate Foundation was founded on July 4, 2008. Swiss Re President Peter Forstmoser said at the time that the foundation's idea was a commitment from the Swiss business community to counteract the advancing climate change. Where does the Swiss Climate Foundation stand today, 15 years later?
July 4, 2023
Born on the 4th of July for a greener future: since 2008, the Swiss Climate Foundation has supported over 2300 SMEs. (Image:
Since its establishment in 2008, the Climate Foundation has disbursed subsidies totaling over 37 million Swiss francs to more than 2,300 SMEs in Switzerland and the Principality of Liechtenstein. "The Climate Foundation is a model for success", emphasizes Managing Director Vincent Eckert, who has held this position since the beginning.
The time of castles in the air is over
"Initially, many applications were insufficient," Eckert recalls. "There were projects that would have been physically impossible to implement." Among the applicants were real dreamers. "They sometimes built veritable castles in the air and sometimes developed a special device, but that would have been almost impossible to scale up and therefore not relevant to the climate." Quality went up - on both sides. "Our processes were also significantly improved, with the aim of making funding less bureaucratic but more targeted."
All of this led to an enriching exchange for all involved. "The applications came and come across from many industries such as cheese dairies, carpentries to laundries to the hospitality industry," summarizes Vincent Eckert. "Every production needs energy".
Federal Councillor Rösti as keynote speaker
In the anniversary year 2023, two celebrations will take place to underline the importance of the foundation. Federal Councillor and DETEC head Albert Rösti will appear as keynote speaker at a panel discussion in Bern on September 13. And on July 25, the Swiss Climate Foundation will hold a networking event where partner companies and interested parties will meet with funded projects. On July 25, the Foundation will be a guest at the Allianz Cinema Night. As moderator, Christian Jungen, Director of the Zurich Film Festival, will elegantly draw a line between the world of film and climate protection efforts.
Numerous well-wishers
Various personalities congratulate on the 15th anniversary. "From the economy for the economy is more important than ever," Monika Rühl of economiesuisse is pleased to say. "The partner companies carry the Foundation's message further and show that together they can make a difference in the financial industry," is how Gabriele Burn, President of the Foundation Board from 2008-2019, sums it up. And for Patrick Hofstetter of WWF Switzerland, the foundation is "a wonderful example of private-sector commitment leading to greater climate protection and justice."
Vincent Eckert, Executive Director of the Swiss Climate Foundation since its inception. (Image: Swiss Climate Foundation)
Vincent Eckert has been the foundation's managing director since its inception. In this interview, he talks about his experiences and the benefits of the Swiss Climate Foundation for companies.
Mr. Eckert, what is your personal motivation for getting involved in climate protection on a daily basis? Vincent EckertI am fascinated by entrepreneurship and enthusiastic about the many innovative projects that we receive. The regular exchange with the partner companies also motivates me. I am proud to say that the Swiss Climate Foundation offers real solutions for the economy.
What is the secret of the foundation's success?
There is a lot of high technology in Switzerland. The economy researches and invents. In the development of battery and storage technology, for example, Switzerland occupies a leading position worldwide. I feel that our country is a test garden. The ideas and products of Swiss and Liechtenstein SMEs often take off globally. So if there is a secret to success, it is the wealth of ideas of SMEs. The Swiss Climate Foundation benefits from this, and our partner companies in the network benefit from it. From the very beginning, we have relied on the dynamism of the SME landscape. And we have not been disappointed, and still are not.
When you look back at the beginnings, what comes to mind?
Innovation was the focus from the very beginning. Even at the fifth anniversary, projects presented created a buzz. I remember Hey Chimpy. The company is still successful on the market today. And we are quite proud of that. It was also possible because of the support from the foundation.
What does the support of the now 31 partner companies mean to the Swiss Climate Foundation?
We feel the unconditional will to help shape the future, to take action and to stand up to climate change in a strong alliance.
What are the advantages of being a partner company of the Swiss Climate Foundation?
The foundation is supported by well-known service companies such as banks, insurance companies and consulting firms. These partner companies support the foundation with their financial contribution, but also by providing experts on the foundation's advisory board. This creates a knowledge loop between the foundation, the partner companies and the SMEs whose projects we support.
What is the role of a partner?
Each partner company can provide one or 2 advisory board members and has one vote in voting. The main task of the advisory board is to evaluate the project applications received. The focus is on the climate benefit of the respective project. We appreciate the regular participation and exchange at the advisory board meetings. This enables the Advisory Board to make a clear recommendation for acceptance or rejection, which is then submitted to the Foundation Board. In order for the Advisory Board to efficiently arrive at a voting recommendation for the Foundation Board, a project godfather system is used.
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