PKG Pension Fund analyzes CO2 emissions of its properties
The Lucerne-based PKG Pension Fund is one of the leading autonomous joint institutions for occupational pension provision in Switzerland. It recently published its annual and sustainability report. A new component is the analysis of the CO2 emissions of the properties.
After the PKG Pension Fund 2022 first published information on its activities with regard to the environment, society and responsible corporate governance in a separate publication, this year the report was supplemented by a comprehensive greenhouse gas analysis of its own real estate portfolio. The results show that the company is further along the road to CO2-neutral operation of its properties than the industry average, it says. Peter Fries, CEO of PKG Pensionskasse, adds: "We are not pioneers or first movers in the field of ESG, but we are working on making progress every year. We believe that sustainability starts with transparency - towards society, towards ourselves. The more facts we have, the better we can act."
Fiscal 2022 fell short of expectations due to the rise in inflation and interest rates as well as turbulence on the stock market. The funding ratio fell from a previously excellent 123.2 percent to a still solid 106.6 percent. The obligations of the PKG Pension Fund are thus still more than covered. However, an above-average coverage ratio remains a focus of efforts in order to be a role model and reliable partner for future generations in building up their pension provision, the pension fund says.
The PKG Pension Fund was established in 1972 as a pension fund for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Today, with 1768 affiliated companies, 41076 insured persons, 6167 pensioners and currently 9 billion Swiss francs in assets, it is one of the largest pension funds under private law in Switzerland. It employs 40 people.
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