Cargobikes: great potential, but also need for action

Cargobikes are on the rise in Europe. Thanks to them, 50 % of goods transports could be handled in an environmentally and urban-friendly way, according to the report. The Pro Velo Schweiz association is therefore calling on the federal government, the cantons and the cities to push ahead with development.

Cargobikes have great potential, but still face obstacles in Switzerland. (Image:

It is obvious that the use of cargo bikes can save energy and reduce CO2 and noise pollution. A new overview by the European Cyclists' Federation (ECF) shows how strongly the presence of such cargo bikes in cities has already developed in recent years.

Potential with obstacles

Cargobikes also have great potential in Switzerland. Be it for the transport of children, be it for the transport of goods. The motivation to ride a Cargovelo is not only the transport of children or goods. Many users also want to travel ecologically and, for example, do without a car, but continue to travel autonomously and efficiently. "Cargovelos are a game changer," says Matthias Aebischer, president of Pro Velo Schweiz. "They are one of the keys to climate-neutral and livable cities, because they help solve several urban problems at once."

The three biggest obstacles to the rapid development of cargo velos are the legal restrictions on vehicles, the width of bicycle infrastructure, and the availability of parking.

Remove restrictions for cargo bikes

The weight and width restriction of cargo bikes must be liberalized in the view of Pro Velo. The same applies to the transport of children on the various types of electric bikes.

On the infrastructure side, it is primarily the cities that are challenged. The widths of bike lanes and paths are not yet designed for cargo bikes in many places. Pro Velo therefore expects the cantons and cities to expand the bicycle network, which will have to be expanded anyway due to the Veloweggesetz. The creation of logistics hubs that enable the transfer of trucks and delivery vans to cargo velos should also be promoted. Here, the cities can participate in the Oslo example orient

Because cargo bikes are too big for bicycle parking spaces, additional parking areas are needed for them. One possibility is the rededication of car parking spaces. Pro Velo, however, wants to go further and proposes to the federal government that car parking spaces should generally be made available for cargo bikes.

Subsidize cargo bikes?

Another incentive, which is practiced in various European countries such as recently also Austria, is the subsidy for the purchase of a Cargovelo. In the last five years, for example, the purchase of 10,000 Cargovelos has been financially supported throughout Europe. An example for Switzerland is the Canton Geneva who has been practicing this since 2019. In the two years to 2021, demand has more than tripled with 589 contributions.

Source: Pro Velo Switzerland

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