Novel wind power technologies and other climate innovations promoted by climate foundation

The Swiss Climate Foundation is awarding 1.1 million Swiss francs to SMEs that strengthen climate protection with innovative projects. Among other things, the funding will go to novel wind power technologies in Switzerland. Financial support is also going to a digital platform for the reuse of building components, which aims to pave the way for the construction industry to enter the circular economy.

The Climate Foundation promotes innovative wind power technologies, such as the vertical turbine at Nägelin Schlosserei. (Image: © Roberto Carollo / Climate Foundation Switzerland)

If Switzerland and Liechtenstein want to achieve their net-zero climate targets, additional alternative energy sources are needed. Also in view of a possible energy crisis, the importance of domestic and renewable energy sources is increasing. Wind energy is still little used in Switzerland. The Swiss Climate Foundation is therefore giving wind power technologies a boost and supporting two local SMEs in the realization of innovative wind energy projects.

Wind energy from your own roof and in the high alpine region

In this sense, the foundation promotes the Locksmith Nägelin from Kaiseraugst in the development of vertical turbines for local electricity production. The 1×1 meter turbine is intended to supply renewable electricity virtually silently on private house roofs or along highways, for example, even at low wind speeds. Urs Giger, an engineer and mechanical engineer from Uri, is also receiving new funding from the foundation. His company is developing what is currently probably a unique concept for wind turbines in the high alpine region. The technically sophisticated "wind bridge", which is tailored to the Alpine region, connects five wind turbines in a joint construction and is expected to harvest up to five times more wind than conventional individual turbines.

"Wind power plays an essential role in the energy transition," says Daniel Wild, member of the Board of Trustees of the Swiss Climate Foundation and Chief Sustainability Officer at Bank J. Safra Sarasin. Wind power technologies are particularly important in winter: "Wind power can bridge potential electricity gaps in winter when photovoltaics and hydropower supply less energy. New technologies and bold ideas in the field of wind power are therefore urgently needed. With our funding, we are helping to strengthen such technologies."

1.1 million for ten innovative SMEs

The Swiss Climate Foundation has awarded a total of 1.1 million Swiss francs in its current funding round. Ten climate innovations are now receiving funding from the foundation. These include the online platform useagain.chwhich focuses on the circular economy in the construction industry. The platform acts as a marketplace and process support for the reuse of building components and thus aims to reduce the waste of resources in the construction and real estate industry.

The commitment of the Swiss Climate Foundation is made possible not least thanks to partnerships with large companies: A total of 30 service providers from Switzerland and Liechtenstein have supported the initiative to date and donate the funds from the redistribution of their CO2-Levy. In October, the Basler Kantonalbank (BKB) and the Basellandschaftliche Kantonalbank (BLKB) joined the foundation as partner companies. And even earlier, the foundation was able to an increase in partners record. Ennio Perna, Head of Sustainability at BKB, was newly elected to the Foundation Board.

More information: Climate Foundation Switzerland

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