Forum ö 2022: Reorientation towards sustainability

The economy needs not only green promises, but a reorientation towards sustainability. How such a change can succeed will be worked out in a practice-oriented and participatory way at the Forum ö 2022.

At the ö 2022 Forum on October 26, practical discussions will be held on how a reorientation towards sustainability can succeed. (Image: öbu)

The latest report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) demands: Global greenhouse gas emissions must fall from 2025 and be more than 40 percent lower than today by 2030. Only in this way can the 1.5-degree target of the Paris climate agreement, to which Switzerland has also committed itself, still be achieved. What we are doing and have done so far, however, is not enough - although we have little time left to mitigate the climate crisis. Much, much more needs to happen very quickly - but how?

Business has an effective lever to drive sustainability and climate protection. Even though many companies have already started with climate targets, studies (e.g. Corporate Climate Responsibility Monitor) that green promises alone will not be enough. What is needed is a fundamental reorientation of the economy toward sustainability. But how can we succeed in anchoring sustainability deeply in the Swiss economy under the current time pressure?

Change is needed - and as we all know, that can only happen together

The question of how the reorientation of the economy towards sustainability can be accelerated through intensive cooperation is what the Forum ö 2022 with the title "Let's Rethink Business - Change can only happen collaboratively". The Forum ö is the participatory and practice-oriented annual conference of sustainable business and has been organized since 1989 by the Association öbu organized.

The Forum ö is not a classic annual conference, because the format already focuses on exchange and practice. The result is a collaborative, interactive event with the right balance between keynotes, breakouts and exchange rounds, which is also highly appreciated by the participants.

"Forum ö is one of the best events for me to share sustainability challenges and best practices with peers from other companies and other industries," says Julia Baumann, the head of the sustainability department at öbu member Lidl Switzerland.

The participants of the Forum ö represent the broad spectrum of the Swiss business world: representatives from large companies, SMEs and start-ups, personalities from science and civil society, and representatives from politics and administration. This leads to results.

How does the ö 2022 Forum work?

This year, the nominees of the Green Business Award, like Planted or Kyburz, for inspiration in the morning and show what rethinking and transformation can look like in practice.

Participants can work on concrete issues in the interactive breakout sessions. What can change look like in the participants' companies? What does collaboration in and between companies look like? The content of the practice-oriented breakout sessions will be supported by the following, among others ewz, Swisscom, Energy 360°, Danone Switzerland or also PostFinance.

The keynote speakers for the morning were Robert Szilinski, CEO esentri AG and Senator of the Economy, and Nele Kreyssig, Reference book author and podcast hosttwo rethinkers. However, the two do not paint the world beautifully, but give authentic insights into their world and want to inspire to be courageous and take concrete steps into a new way of management.

Forum ö 2022: Let's Rethink Business - Change can only be collaborative
Wednesday, October 26, 2022
Tanzwerk eins0eins, Zurich

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