Bechtle publishes Climate Protection Strategy 2030

The German IT service provider Bechtle, which also operates in Switzerland, has presented its climate protection strategy. In it, the company specifies concrete targets and measures for reducing CO2 emissions in order to achieve climate neutrality by 2030. In this context, Bechtle defines climate neutrality as balance-sheet CO2 neutrality. The defined reduction targets include direct, indirect, and emissions from the upstream and downstream value chain. The climate protection strategy complements the Bechtle Sustainability Strategy 2030, which was adopted last year, and follows the approach of "Avoid - Reduce - Compensate".

Bechtle AG with CEO Dr. Thomas Olemotz has published its Climate Protection Strategy 2030. (Image: Bechtle)

The Climate Protection Strategy 2030 is another building block in the framework of the sustainability activities of the IT company Bechtle, which is intended to contribute comprehensively to the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement. "For us, it is not only a question of corporate responsibility to design our business operations in a sustainable manner, but also a social task to limit global warming in a joint effort," says Dr. Thomas Olemotz, CEO of Bechtle AG. The core of the climate protection strategy is the Group's goal of achieving climate neutrality by 2030, which is essentially based on saving CO2-emissions. The planned reductions are flanked by the avoidance and accompanying compensation of emissions through certified climate protection projects.

Climate protection strategy with many measures

The reduction targets for the greenhouse gas CO2 are distributed across the different emission categories along the value chain according to the Green House Gas Protocol, the so-called scopes. According to this, emissions under Scope 1 (company facilities and vehicle fleet) and Scope 2 (purchased energy for own use) are each to be reduced by 60 percent by 2030. The reduction in Scope 3 emissions, which relate to the upstream and downstream value chain, is to be 30 percent. In concrete terms, these targets are to be achieved, for example, by increasing energy efficiency at the company's sites, by generating its own electricity or by purchasing green electricity, as well as by means of a sustainability-oriented purchasing strategy, more climate-friendly logistics and raising awareness among internal and external stakeholders, as the climate protection strategy states.

Ambitious roadmap

The ambitious roadmap is based on the science-based reduction targets of the Science Based Target Initiative (SBTI). In the SBTI, the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), the United Nations Global Compact, the World Resources Institute and the World Wide Fund for Nature have been working together since 2015 to set transparent and comparable science-based climate targets.

Bechtle has published an annual sustainability report since 2015. The company is a signatory of the UN Global Compact and the WIN Charter and has its sustainability performance regularly audited by EcoVadis.

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