WASTEvision 2021: Focus on products from incineration process

This year's symposium on urban mining focuses on the topic of products from combustion processes. WASTEvision 2021 will take place on September 24 at the Ostschweizer Fachhochschule OST in Rapperswil.

WASTEvision 2021
© WASTEvision

Thermal waste utilization has a long tradition in Switzerland. Now that the incineration processes have been optimized further and further, the focus is shifting to the incineration products. Their constituents should firstly be recycled as far as possible, and secondly the pollutant content of the non-recyclable residues should be minimized before they are landfilled.

Overview of current developments and processes

Products from incineration processes are produced both in thermal waste incineration plants (MWIP) and in cement plants and wood furnaces. Depending on the type of incineration plant, different challenges arise from the triangle of tension between laws, economic efficiency and ecology, which can be mastered above all with innovative (technical) solutions.

The goal of WASTEvision 2021 is to provide an overview of current developments, practices, challenges, and enforcement tools by addressing selected topics related to the incineration residues generated.

The presentations form the basis for a discussion among the participants as well as with the speakers.

Questions that arise include the following:

  • Where is there still great environmental potential in the treatment of incineration residues?
  • How could communities benefit from environmental dividends from "their" MSWIs?
  • What is the "state of the art" in wood ash disposal?
  • How to recover even more heavy metals from MSWI fly ash?
  • What happens to asbestos in a MWIP?
  • How can more PVC be burned in MSW without creating a dioxin problem?
  • How do you make cement "greener"?

Sponsorship of the event: WASTEvision is organized by Umtec Technologie AG in cooperation with the Institute for Environmental and Process Engineering (UMTEC) of the University of Applied Sciences of Eastern Switzerland.

The detailed program can be viewed here.

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