Sustainability role model sought in 2021

8.4 tons of CO2 emissions are caused by each person in Europe on average every year. To effectively combat climate change, everyone should aim for just 2 tons. So the gap is still quite large. That is why the "Impact Investment" platform Yova is looking for the Swiss sustainability role model 2021 with a competition.

Photo: zVg

"While it's good to produce less CO2 emissions, of course it's always better to not produce any in the first place! That's why we will regularly ask our sustainability role model about everyday life, share progress on our social media channels and write articles to help the sustainability role model as well as the Yova community reduce their own carbon footprint each month," explains Katinka Oppeck, Communication and Content Manager at Yova.

CO2 compensation projects

But there are also situations in life whose generated emissions cannot be completely reduced. In order to compensate for these values, there are now numerous ways to financially offset the CO2 emissions caused by car trips or air travel. For example, at the organization, you can choose which CO2 offsetting project you want to use. In this way, you not only help the environment, but also, for example, women in Kenya, who thereby receive efficient stoves for their community.

Participants can apply by January 25, 2021* at this Link apply.

Thanks to the CO2 calculator from the carbon footprint of the participants is tracked and at the end of the year 2021 the amount for the own compensation is calculated. These costs are covered by Yova.

 * The closing date is January 25, 2021. The competition is open to all residents of Switzerland with a minimum age of 18 years. Participation confirms the transfer of all intellectual property rights to Yova, more specifically copyrights, photos, video footage and the like, created in the context of the planned collaboration within the period of one year (2021). Yova is authorized to use and publish the carbon offset content created during the year on social media, the Yova website, and generally on the Internet. The selection of the Yova sustainability role model is the sole responsibility of Yova. The company will offset the CO2 emissions of an entire year up to a maximum of 20 tons, equivalent to 600 Swiss francs, based on the calculator of myclimate. The legal process is excluded.


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