World Standards Day 2020: "Using standards to protect the planet".

Every year on October 14, World Standards Day is celebrated to honor the collective efforts of thousands of standards experts around the world. Through the year, these develop voluntary technical agreements, commonly known as international standards.

The motto of World Standards Day 2020 is "Protecting the planet with the help of standards". (Source: Swiss Standards Association SNV).

Earth, a finite vessel of life in the vastness of our solar system. Life on Earth depends on the energy produced by the sun. However, over the last century, human and large-scale industrial activities of our modern civilization have increased the Earth's natural greenhouse gases. They have a negative impact on our climate and thus on all forms of life. At the same time, rapid population growth and widespread urbanization require responsible use of limited resources.

To reduce the human impact on our planet, we need political will, concrete measures and the right tools. International standards are such an instrument. The international standards developed by IEC, ISO and ITU take into account proven solutions to technical challenges. They help to ensure that specialist knowledge and expertise are widely shared in both industrialized and developing countries. Standards cover all aspects of energy conservation and water and air quality. They establish standardized protocols and measurement methods. Their widespread application helps to reduce the environmental impact of industrial production and processes, facilitate the reuse of limited resources, and improve energy efficiency.

The SNV video for World Standards Day 2020:

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