30th Swiss Solar Prize 2020" award ceremony with world records

On October 20, 2020, at the "30th Swiss Solar Prize Award Ceremony" in Aarau, the most energy-efficient buildings and installations as well as the most committed personalities and institutions in the solar sector will be awarded the Switzerland Solar Prize. Among them are two solar world records.

Swiss Solar Prize PlusEnergyBuildings
A PEB generates eight times more electricity than the residents consume. The Solar Prize Winners* show how PEBs generate very high solar power surpluses. (Symbol image: Unsplash)

For the 30th time, the Swiss Solar Prize is awarded to the most energy-efficient buildings and installations as well as the most committed personalities and institutions in the solar sector. Two particularly attractive plus-energy buildings win the Norman Foster Solar Award.

The winners will only be announced on the day of the award ceremony. The media will be informed in advance with a blocking period. But this much can already be revealed: Among the awarded projects are PlusEnergieBauten that already implement the Paris Climate Agreement! You see PlusEnergieBauten worthy of imitation with very high solar electricity surpluses. These and other pioneering projects prove it: The Solar Prize winners show how the energy turnaround can be achieved at low cost! Unique in the world: For the eleventh time, the PlusEnergieBau® Solar Prize and the Norman Foster Solar Award will be presented for particularly beautiful PEBs: 2020 with a new solar world record! A PEB generates eight times more electricity than the residents actually consume.

PlusEnergieBauten®: generate more electricity than they need
In 2020, a total of 73 solar projects were submitted for the Swiss Solar Prize. More than half of the building applications are PlusEnergyBuildings (PEB). PEBs eliminate 80 percent of energy losses and the most CO2 emissions. In addition, they can produce - according to the Federal Council - 67 TWh/a of Swiss solar power, or 80 percent more CO2-free electricity than all of Switzerland's hydroelectric power at 37 TWh/a. Instead of transferring about 7 billion Fr. for fossil-nuclear energy imports abroad every year, you too commit to PEB. This will reduce emissions the most and produce domestic, CO2-free electricity.

The special solar prize from HEV Switzerland...
The special solar prize is awarded for a particularly successful and exemplary renovation of single-family homes.

Migros Bank special solar prize for low-cost PEB multi-family houses
This year, for the third time, the Migros Bank Special Solar Prize will be awarded to affordable PEB multi-family homes!

The "30th Swiss Solar Prize" will take place on October 20, 2020 (09.30-15.45). Kultur & Kongresshaus Aarau, Schlossplatz 9, 5000 Aarau
Registration: until October 5, 2020 at the latest via



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