Car environmental list published

The Auto Environmental List evaluates new passenger cars in terms of their environmental impact and shows which models cause the least damage to the environment. The new environmental car list was published by the VCS at the beginning of March.


Auto-Umweltliste electric cars
At the beginning of March 2020, the VCS Verkehrs-Club der Schweiz published the new car environmental list. (Image: VCS)

The final rating of the VCS Auto Environmental List takes into account emissions of the greenhouse gas CO2, noise, and, for cars with internal combustion engines, air pollutants. For electric cars, the environmental damage caused by battery production is also included. In the Auto Environmental List 2019, models with electric, hybrid or gas drive perform best.

Best electric cars

Hyundai Ioniq. BMW i3 and Mitsubishi i-MiEV

Best cars with internal combustion engine

Seat Arona 1.0 TGI natural gas / Gaz naturel

The news of the Auto Environmental List with the latest 4- and 5-star models that will be launched in the course of 2020 will be published twice a year. At the same time, the online database is updated. Both are available at

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