Stand action "Plastic-free Baden market

In its current phase, the "Plastic-free Baden Market" project also wants to sensitize market visitors to the plastic problem. In this context, visitors are invited to bring their bags, sacks and pouches next Saturday and have them printed.

The "Plastic-free Baden Market" project is one of three winners of the Baden Environmental Award 2019. (Image: City of Baden)

The "Plastic-Free Baden Market" project aims to "establish a sustainable and functional reusable alternative to plastic bags in the Baden market in the long term," as stated in a Media release the City Baden is called. Currently, the project is still in the development process, in which various approaches are being examined.

Part of this process is also the sensitization "on different levels and thus also with the market visitors". This is the purpose of an action that will take place on Saturday, March 7, between 8 am and 11:30 am. Visitors to the Baden market will be asked to bring their bags, sacks and pouches, as the most sustainable bag is the one "you already have".

At the stand opposite the Löwenbrunnen in Weiten Gasse, these bags can then be printed with the Marktfrau, the logo of the Baden market.

Baden Environmental Award 2019

The project "Plastic-free Baden Market" is one of three winners of the Baden Environmental Award 2019. The aim of the project is to establish a sustainable and functional reusable alternative to plastic bags on the Baden market in the long term. Currently, the project is in the elaboration process, in which various alternatives are being examined. This process also includes raising awareness at various levels and thus also among market visitors. Therefore, we start with the request to bring your own bag for shopping.

The stand action will take place on Saturday, March 7 between 8:00 and 11:30 a.m. opposite the Löwenbrunnen in Weiten Gasse. At the stand, market visitors can have bags they have brought themselves printed with the market woman, the logo of the Baden market.

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