University of Basel sets itself sustainability goals

The University of Basel has drawn up an action plan for specific sustainability targets. Among other things, it wants to reduce its energy consumption by 20 percent within ten years. Sustainability is also to be increasingly addressed in teaching.

The University of Basel is governed by flat hierarchies and lean management bodies with sufficient decision-making authority. (Image: zVg)

The university aims to be a leader in sustainable development at Swiss universities, informs the University of Basel in a Communication. In a recent WWF study, the university was ranked fifth, which puts it in the upper midfield. Because the university is "always oriented toward excellence," this place is not enough, explains Jens Gaab, delegate for diversity and sustainability at the University of Basel, in the statement.

Based on a report published in the summer by its Sustainability Office, the University of Basel has now drawn up a comprehensive action plan. It is intended to help the university achieve long-term sustainability and a place among the top ranks in the next sustainability ranking. "We are not interested in temporary effects that fizzle out again," Gaab explains. The achievement of the concrete goals formulated in the action plan will be reviewed on the basis of consolidated key figures.

One of the measures relates to the electricity and thermal energy consumption of the university buildings. It currently amounts to around 54.5 gigawatt hours per year and is to be reduced by 20 percent within ten years. In addition, the university plans to integrate sustainability-related topics into teaching to a greater extent. "At the end of their studies, no student should be able to claim that they never learned anything about sustainability at our university," explains Gaab.

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