More funding from the Swiss Climate Foundation

Climate Foundation Switzerland was able to support significantly more small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in 2017 than in the previous year. To this end, it supports SMEs that focus on energy efficiency or develop climate-friendly products. In its annual report, the foundation also looks back on the successful launch of the new forest maintenance program.



The Climate Foundation was not only able to increase the number of its three tried-and-tested funding programs. A new, sustainable funding program has also been successfully launched. (Image: depositphotos)

Link annual report

A "modern energy future" has begun: 2017 was for  the Swiss Climate Foundation an important year. It was able to support 139 projects - 80 percent more than in the previous year. In addition, at the level of national politics, important decisions were made for climate protection with the vote on the Energy Strategy 2050. "It was a very motivating year for us," says Foundation President Gabriele Burn. Since its establishment in 2008, the Swiss Climate Foundation has been supporting both companies that save energy in their own operations and those that develop new products that benefit climate protection. Support is also provided to SMEs that enter into a voluntary target agreement with the federal government to save energy. There were just under 200 of them last year, a third more than in the previous year.

Climate protection in the forest

The foundation was not only able to increase the number of its three tried-and-tested funding programs. A new, fourth support program has also been successfully launched. Since mid-2017, the Swiss Climate Foundation has been supporting the regeneration of forest that cannot be maintained economically. This is particularly the case on steep and inaccessible slopes. Organized forest owners such as civic communities or corporations are supported. "In 2017, the foundation was able to support 31 operations in forests, preventing them from aging and becoming CO2 sources," write Managing Director Vincent Eckert and President Gabriele Burn in the editorial of the annual report.

Successful model with an open future

The Swiss Climate Foundation is well positioned for the next three years. It has financial reserves, established funding mechanisms and a good network. However, the future of the foundation is not yet clear. The model of the Swiss Climate Foundation is linked to the CO2 reduction levy: service companies that receive high rebates through the levy voluntarily donate part of it to the foundation. The discussion about the further work of the foundation therefore depends, among other things, on the future design of the CO2 law. (Source: Climate Foundation)


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