Exemplary green waste management: Green Award goes to Renens

The municipality of Renens in the canton of Vaud operates an excellent green waste management system, for which it has received the Swiss GREEN AWARD of 3000 Swiss francs from Biomasse Suisse. The award recognizes its excellent information work, its exemplary collection system, and its high-quality green waste recycling.

Exemplary green waste management: door-to-door collection of biowaste with biogas-powered truck in the municipality of Renens.

On average, a Swiss garbage bag contains around 30 percent organic waste. But this green waste can be put to better energetic use than in a waste incineration plant. It can be used to generate electricity, heat, fuel and additionally compost. Renens recognized this potential early on and is doing a lot to get the biomass resource on the right track.

Renens sensitizes excellent

Good education and broad information are the be-all and end-all of Renens' award-winning green waste management. Humorously illustrated flyers, multilingual waste calendars and easy-to-find leaflets on the Internet provide comprehensive information about the separate collection of green waste. In addition, unemployed people and volunteers act as ambassadors for this cause. Both of these factors generate a high level of motivation among the population.

Uncomplicated collection system

Renens supports the population's desire to collect waste with its uncomplicated waste system. Once or twice a week, it empties the brown containers, which can be obtained directly from the municipality. Virtually all biogenic waste is accepted - including cooked food waste and woody garden waste. The disposal of green waste is financed by a flat fee. In this way, Renens creates an additional financial incentive. Residual waste is financed by a bag fee.

The Green Award honors Biomass Suisse Swiss municipalities or special-purpose associations that stand out for their exemplary green waste management. The assessment criteria cover all areas from raising awareness and informing the population to collection services and green waste recycling. The prize is worth a total of 6,000 Swiss francs and will be awarded to the three first-place winners. Further information at: www.greenaward.ch

Winner of the Green Award 2017:

1st place Renens VD

2nd place Sauge BE

3rd place Plan-les-Ouates GE

Text: Biomasse Suisse

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