Determining the solar energy potential of your own facade

The new interactive application shows how suitable the facades of one's own property are for producing solar energy. Around half of the building stock is already recorded on By mid-2019, all of Switzerland's house facades will be available online.

How much solar energy potential is in my facade? A new website knows.

Is my house facade suitable for a solar system? This question will soon be easily answered for any house facade in Switzerland. In a joint project, the Swiss Federal Office of Energy, the Federal Office of Topography swisstopo and the Federal Office of Meteorology and Climatology MeteoSwiss are developing an interactive application that will be based on is accessible.

At, for example, it takes just a few clicks to find out how much electricity and heat one's own facade could produce. The application links data on the size and orientation of the individual facade surface with satellite-based data on solar radiation. The potential that can actually be realized may differ from the calculated values. therefore does not replace expert advice.

All facades are recorded by 2019

Today, around 50 percent of the building stock is mapped on, especially in central and northeastern Switzerland. Further regions will be added every six months, so that the house facades of the whole of Switzerland are expected to be available by mid-2019. The application will also be supplemented monthly with the latest solar radiation data.

In February 2016, the SFOE launched the interactive application This shows whether the roof of one's house is suitable for the use of solar energy. and are part of the advisory service offered by SwissEnergy, which shows the way to your own solar system step by step.

Text. SFOE

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