Investments in the energy sector could save millions of lives
Energy production and consumption is the world's biggest air polluter. But 7% higher investments in the energy sector by 2040 could massively improve air quality - and prevent millions of deaths.
For the first time, the International Energy Agency IEA investigated the connection between energy, air quality and health. Their conclusion: no other sector is as responsible for global air pollution as the energy sector. 85% of all particulate matter and almost all emissions of sulfur oxides and nitrogen oxides are due to the combustion of fuels. And this has an impact on people's health.
Every year, around 6.5 million deaths are attributed to poor air quality. This makes air pollution the fourth biggest threat to human health - after high blood pressure, poor nutrition and smoking. And according to the IEA, this figure could grow again in the future: as the global economy grows, so does the demand for energy. The IEA estimates that 7.4 million people will die each year from the effects of polluted air by 2040 if no action is taken.
7% higher investments
But it doesn't have to turn out that way: The IEA presents in its Report a strategy for countering this development with existing technologies. To this end, it identifies three key areas for government plans:
- A long-term, ambitious goal for improving air quality that all stakeholders can agree on
- Binding guidelines for the energy sector on air pollution - a combination of direct emissions control, regulations and other measures.
- Effectively monitor, enforce, evaluate, and communicate these stratagems
The measures and guidelines should focus on the three factors of prevention - innovation - reduction - i.e. more efficient energy services, technological advances and binding emission limits.
The IEA's calculations show that realizing these plans would result in around 7% higher investments in the energy sector worldwide by 2040. This would prevent 3.3 million deaths a year from air pollution. It would also massively curb CO2 emissions.