CO2 offsets decline for the first time

The Swiss want to offset their CO2 consumption less and less: The MyClimate foundation reports declining figures for the first time.

Despite increasingly favorable prices, more and more Swiss people are choosing not to offset their CO2 emissions.
Despite increasingly favorable prices, more and more Swiss people are choosing not to offset their CO2 emissions.

Voluntary offsetting of CO2 emissions has declined for the first time: this is reported by the MyClimate Foundation in its Annual report 2015. In total, 550,000 tons of CO2 were offset last year with the Foundation's climate protection projects, which is the same level as in 2013.

Last year was actually a positive one for climate protection: With the Paris Agreement, the world committed itself to climate-improving measures for the first time. At the same time, oil and energy prices were at a record low - which should have given a boost to compensation payments. After all, the payments for the 13.5 tons of CO2 that the average Swiss emits per capita per year are 400 francs cheaper than what they saved thanks to the low prices.

MyClimate complains about the lack of willingness of private individuals and companies to voluntarily offset their emissions. René Estermann puts it in a nutshell in the report: "We could and would like to realize significantly more climate protection much faster with biogas plants, efficient stoves or solar plants. However, due to a lack of financial resources, we contre cœur have to massively restrict the development of existing projects. In addition, there are tens of possible new projects in the queue. We also have to put these off until the time when more companies and people are ready to internalize the costs of their CO2 emissions, or have to then."

Strengthen cooperations

There is, however, one encouraging piece of news: The calculators of MyClimate were used by 25% more people. This allows users to calculate how much CO2 emissions are generated by flights, car journeys, at home or at work.

In addition, MyClimate intends to step up its cooperation with partners such as Mobility and the German mobility provider BlaBlaCars: Whereas with the former, customers are asked at the time of each booking whether they want to offset their trip, with the latter, offsetting is already automatically included in the booking price. BlaBlaCars users can also vote on which projects the money should be invested in.

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