Minergie: Standards before complete renovation

A new management and complete revision of the Minergie standards : Minergie is in a process of renewal.

The Miergiestandards are being revised. (Photo: Minergie)
The Miergiestandards are being revised. (Photo: Minergie)

Minergie has been given a new management team - and it is throwing itself into the work: the Minergie, Minergie-P and Minergie-A standards are being completely revised under the new managing director Anderas Meyer Primavesi.

The adjustments are based on a broad survey conducted in the fall of 2015 and will incorporate the rapid technical and legislative developments of recent years. Adjustments and additions to the building standards are currently being openly discussed in the construction and energy sectors as part of a series of expert panels. The federal government and the cantons are also closely involved in the process.

Among other things, the focus is on solutions for an optimal coordination of electricity consumption and photovoltaic production. The advantages and disadvantages of incorporating novel technologies such as battery storage will also be thoroughly discussed and analyzed.

The innovations will be presented to the public for the first time at the General Meeting on June 16, 2016 in Fribourg. The launch will take place on January 1, 2017.

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