Suva: Lower premiums for 2025 and CHF 730 million reimbursement

Suva has generated a positive operating result of CHF 309 million for 2023. Premiums for 2025 can be reduced again. In addition, the reimbursement of capital gains surpluses will reduce the burden on Switzerland as a workplace by a further CHF 730 million.

Can once again announce lower premiums: Hubert Niggli, Gabriele Gendotti and Felix Weber from Suva (from left to right). (Image: Suva)

At the annual media conference for the 2023 financial year, Suva reported a positive overall result of CHF 309 million. Suva's financial situation therefore remains solid and all insurance branches are financially balanced, Suva announced. The good stock market year 2023 in particular contributed to the pleasing financial situation; the investment result amounted to 4.8 percent (previous year -8.1 percent).

Occupational accident risk continues to fall - serious accidents on the decline

In 2023, Suva registered around 495,000 accidents and occupational illnesses. The difference compared to the previous year is small, with an increase of 0.3%. The accident risk - i.e. the number of newly registered accidents per 1,000 insured persons - follows the long-term trend: in occupational accident insurance, the accident risk has fallen by 10 percent within ten years and stood at 79 accidents per 1,000 insured persons in the reporting year. Work in Suva-insured companies has thus become significantly safer, according to the report. The risk of serious accidents resulting in disability or death has also fallen significantly over the last 10 years. In non-occupational accident insurance, the risk of accidents has remained stable at 127 accidents per 1000 insured persons over the last ten years. 

Lower premiums again for 2025

As the accident risk continues to fall and the underwriting result is positive, net premiums in occupational accident insurance can be reduced again, by 4%. In non-occupational accident insurance, there will be a reduction of around 5 percent. Due to the solid financial situation, the Suva Council has decided to continue the reimbursement of capital gains surpluses from previous years. For 2025, this means a further premium reduction of 20% of net premiums in both occupational and non-occupational accident insurance, which corresponds to a refund of around CHF 730 million to insured persons. The continuation of the reimbursement of capital gains surpluses in combination with the reduction in net premiums, particularly in occupational accident insurance, will once again result in the lowest total premium burden for insured persons since the introduction of the UVG in 1984. 

Source: Suva

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