Event note: Compliance Days 2023

The provider of compliance management software domeba invites companies to an international compliance forum in Leipzig from June 13 to 15. The highlight of the event will be the keynote speech by Wiebke Merbeth on the topic of sustainability in financial market policy. The Compliance Days will also focus on health protection, occupational safety, quality and risk management in companies.

Sustainability Compliance Days
Guest speaker at domeba's Compliance Days 2023: Wiebke Merbeth. (Image: zVg / Wiebke Merbeth)

The topic of sustainability has never been so explosive in companies: for some it is a matter of course, for others it is a regulatory constraint. As a result, managers are increasingly having to expand the sustainability aspects of their own business activities to include social, ecological and ethical issues.

Focus on sustainability issues

Wiebke Merbeth, a partner in Deloitte's strategy consulting practice and a member of the German government's Sustainable Finance Advisory Board, sees it as a clear duty for companies to do more to meet their social responsibilities. In her view, concrete sustainability measures must already start now from corporate management: "If we take too much time, then the transformation will become increasingly expensive, also because other industrialized nations will outstrip us."

Wiebke Merbeth will be taking a closer look at corporate management from a sustainability perspective at domeba's international "Compliance Days" forum. In the lecture "Sustainability as the new backbone of the German economy" on June 15, she will share her experiences from advising the German government with the participating companies.

One of the aims of the networking and lecture platform is to create greater awareness of sustainability issues at the entrepreneurial level. With the software solution iManSys from the Chemnitz-based company domeba, the compliance measures required for this can be mapped digitally. The event will also focus on presenting concrete solutions for implementation in the company.

Learn more about Compliance Management

The Compliance Days are aimed at existing and potential iManSys users from all company sectors and sizes. They will take place from June 13 to 15 at the Seaside Park Hotel in Leipzig. In various workshops and showrooms, participants will have the opportunity to learn and exchange information, for example on the digital implementation of risk assessment, hazardous materials management, and instruction and precautionary organization. Among others, the Institute Health of the City of Essen, the Autobahn GmbH of the Federal Government as well as the DKMS Life Science Lab gGmbH will be represented.

Matthias Domes, Managing Director of domeba, explains: "For 25 years now, we have been dealing with the topics that make up comprehensive and sustainable compliance management. But never before have they been as topical as this year. The great demand for the program items of our Compliance Days and the keynote by Wiebke Merbeth also speaks for this."

More information

This article originally appeared on m-q.ch - https://www.m-q.ch/de/veranstaltungshinweis-compliance-days-2023/

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