ChatGPT in use for customer service
Helvetia is the world's first listed insurance company to launch a direct customer contact service based on OpenAI's ChatGPT technology. The service uses artificial intelligence to answer customer questions about insurance and pensions. The service is still experimental; in the long term, it is intended to simplify access to insurance and pension products.

ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence that can access huge amounts of text and answer questions based on it. Helvetia is the world's first listed insurance company to use this technology in a live experiment with Clara, Helvetia's digital assistant in Switzerland. Clara's new chatbot service provides information on insurance, retirement planning and home ownership. To do so, the software draws on web content from Helvetia Switzerland - for example, product pages or advice articles. Everyone is invited to try out the new chatbot service free of charge.
Recognizing added value for customers
Helvetia clearly characterizes its new service as an experiment: the company wants to explore the potential of language models such as ChatGPT and find out how customers accept corresponding services. The main focus here is on the new service as defined in the strategy. helvetia 20.25 defined ambition to set standards in customer convenience and access, as Jan Kundert, Head of Customer and Market Management and member of the Executive Board of Helvetia Switzerland, explains: "We invest continuously and at various levels in a positive customer experience. That's why we want to recognize the added value that artificial intelligence can offer our customers."
Joint exploration is in the foreground
Helvetia was quick to offer chatbot services to its customers; it is considered an industry pioneer in this field thanks to its digital assistant Clara. When OpenAI published the ChatGPT application programming interface (API) at the beginning of March, Helvetia immediately began internal testing. Achim Baumstark, CTO of Helvetia Group, says, "It is clear to us that artificial intelligence and, in particular, language models will be an important competence in the future. Accordingly, we are interested in gaining experience with this technology as quickly as possible within a clearly defined test environment." The experiment is being accompanied by the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts. The latter will also support Helvetia in evaluating the results. The fact that this is an experiment is clearly described in the terms of use. Project manager Florian Nägele: "We are testing the possibilities of artificial intelligence together with interested customers. The chatbot in no way replaces an individual consultation with a specialist." Helvetia will decide how to proceed with Clara and its GPT capabilities after evaluating the initial findings.
Source and further information: Helvetia