How can accepted and lived quality management be promoted?
Among other things, the involvement of employees is crucial for the success of a management system. The QM experts at ConSense Management Consulting, the consulting services of Aachen-based software developer ConSense GmbH, recommend using the process-oriented approach not only to build a software-based quality management or integrated management system, but also to promote internal communication. This is because it gives rise to suggestions for improvement that help the [...]

process-oriented approach for internal communication (Image: ConSense GmbH)
Among other things, employee participation is crucial to the success of a management system. The QM experts from ConSense Management Consulting, the consulting services of the Aachen-based software developer ConSense GmbH, recommend using the process-oriented approach not only to build a software-based quality management or integrated management system, but also to promote internal communication. This is because it results in suggestions for improvement that help the system achieve increased use and high acceptance.
Process-oriented approach: promoting knowledge management and shared learning
This process-oriented approach to supporting internal communication involves modeling and optimizing processes with the participation of employees. Knowledge and approaches to the respective processes are collected, views are exchanged, and a common picture of the respective task is developed. With the help of the SIPOC method, a design principle from lean management, processes and procedures can be presented in a lean, transparent and easily comprehensible manner with a relatively low level of detail. By working together as a team, a uniform, visualized basis is created in this way, which can also be used to make subsequent changes, updates and improvements more easily, since all those involved start from the same basis.
From process annotations to chat channels: Sharing knowledge and experience
Since knowledge gained from experience cannot be passed on completely through documentation, ConSense Management Consulting relies on close exchange and cooperation among employees. The company's software solutions are designed with this in mind, offering their users a variety of options for adding questions, ideas and suggestions to operational processes. For example, evaluations or comments on processes can be stored. In addition, chat channels are used for direct communication and collaboration within the management system. In this way, processes and activities are repeatedly viewed jointly by those involved, who exchange their experience and knowledge of them and optimize or further develop procedures. The value of process modeling therefore lies not only in the visualization and analysis of processes and their potential for improvement, but also in the support of communication within teams or between departments. At the same time, a common understanding of work processes can be created.
Webinars and workshops for practical implementation
The management system experts of the Aachen-based software house teach how to realize the implementation in an application-oriented way and what needs to be taken into account. ConSense Management Consulting provides support for practical and application-oriented process modeling based on a holistic view of companies. This takes equal account of the three design areas of technology, organization and people. An introduction to the topic is provided by the ConSense Campus Webinar "Processes as if from a single mold with a style guide for process descriptions"which will take place on March 9, 2023, for example. For a more in-depth study, the full-day workshop "ConSense Styleguide for Process Modeling" is suitable, which can be scheduled on request.
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