K 2022 - Trade show meets highest expectations
The joy of the plastics and rubber industry at finally being able to exchange ideas in person again on a global level after three years characterized the course of K 2022 Düsseldorf and ensured an excellent mood among the 3,037 exhibitors. 176,000 trade visitors from all continents traveled to Düsseldorf for their most important industry event. The proportion of international guests at the [...]
The joy of the plastics and rubber industry at finally being able to exchange ideas in person again on a global level after three years characterized the course of K 2022 Düsseldorf and ensured an excellent mood among the 3,037 exhibitors. 176,000 trade visitors from all continents traveled to Düsseldorf for their most important industry event. The proportion of international guests at K 2022 was consistently high at over 70 percent.
Setting the course for a more sustainable future
The Fair went October 26 2022 came to an end. The companies reported exceptionally good contacts and a clear willingness to invest on the part of the trade visitors, the establishment of promising new customer relationships and numerous business deals, some of them spontaneous. Although the current unpredictability and unpredictability of events makes for a tense overall situation in the industry, this did nothing to dampen the commitment of exhibitors and the interest of visitors, quite the contrary: "K 2022 was the ideal place, especially now - in stormy times and when the plastics industry is in the midst of the transformation process towards a circular economy - to actively set the course for the future together," said Ulrich Reifenhäuser, Chairman of the K 2022 Exhibitor Advisory Board. Above all, the wealth of new technological developments presented by raw material producers, machine builders and processors of plastics for the realization of the circular economy, for resource conservation and on the subject of climate protection would have excited the trade visitors.
The trade visitors to this year's K came to the Rhine from 157 nations. In addition to Germany, the nations strongly represented on the visitor side from Europe were the Netherlands, Italy, Turkey, France, Belgium, Poland and Spain. The reach of K is as strong as usual with a 42 percent share from overseas among international trade visitors. While guests from the East Asian region in particular were less strongly represented than at K three years ago due to the currently more difficult conditions in these countries as a result of quarantine regulations, numerous visitors from the USA, Brazil and India were welcomed at K 2022.
Plant engineering and environmental services in high demand at K 2022
Machinery and plant engineering ranked first in the interest shown by around two thirds of all visitors surveyed. Fifty-seven percent, five percent more than at K 2019, said they were interested in raw and auxiliary materials, with recycled materials and bioplastics being particularly popular. For 28 percent, semi-finished products and technical parts made of plastics and rubber were the main reason for coming (multiple answers possible). Over 70 percent of all visitors belonged to top and middle management.
During the eight days of the trade show, it became clear that this year's K was right on target with the selection of its hot topics, circular economy, climate protection and digitalization. In terms of investment intentions, machinery and equipment for processing and recycling stood out with 43 percent. The focus was particularly on sustainability, but also on circular economy and energy/resource efficiency in production. Around 40 percent of decision-makers said they were looking at decarbonization.
The K specials, which also focused on the three hot topics, were also very well received. The official special show, Plastics shape the future, focused on the economic, social and ecological challenges and solution approaches surrounding the K key themes in top-class discussions and presentations, and was well attended throughout. The Circular Economy Forum, in which the VDMA and 13 of its member companies impressively illustrated the important role played by technology in the implementation of the circular economy in the plastics industry, scored points with the international audience with live demonstrations and plenty of in-depth knowledge and detailed information on the subject.
International demonstration project presented
Also much discussed at this year's K in Düsseldorf was the world language of production, OPC UA, with which the processing parameters of the machines and devices involved can be coordinated more precisely and specifically. This, in turn, is considered an important prerequisite for optimized closed-loop control. 40 companies from eight countries participated in an OPC UA demonstration project at the trade show.
In the Science Campus, both exhibitors and visitors to K 2022 were given a concentrated overview of scientific activities and results in the plastics and rubber sector. Numerous universities, institutes and funding organizations offered the opportunity for direct dialog here.
The next K in Düsseldorf will take place from 08 to 15 October 2025. Further information on www.k-online.de
This article originally appeared on m-q.ch - https://www.m-q.ch/de/k-2022-messeverlauf-erfuellt-hoechste-erwartungen/