Diversity and Inclusion: Competitive Advantage for Companies?
The study "Diversity & Inclusion as a Competitive Advantage" addresses the relationship between diversity, inclusion and corporate competitiveness. The goal of the reviewers was to test the following hypothesis: Companies that strategically implement diversity and inclusion are more resilient and more successful in the long term than companies that do not pursue such a strategy. Social engagement has positive consequences With [...]
The study "Diversity & Inclusion as a Competitive Advantage" addresses the relationship between diversity, inclusion and corporate competitiveness. The goal of the reviewers was to test the following hypothesis: Companies that implement diversity and inclusion strategically are more resilient and more successful in the long term than companies that do not pursue such a strategy.
Social commitment has positive consequences
With the help of various research questions, the ZHAW reviewed existing literature and empirical data and also addressed the economic, managerial and political perspectives. The findings of the report confirm that strategic management of diversity and inclusion increases the competitive advantage of companies by enhancing their creativity, innovation and brand attractiveness and reducing the shortage of skilled workers.
One of the reviewers is the head of the Center for Competition Law and Compliance at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW), Patrick Krauskopf: "The report scientifically demonstrates how diversity and inclusion positively influence the competitiveness of companies and thus creates an important link between social commitment and business development.
Expert opinion simplifies implementation in practice
But why is a scientific report needed to advance society's commitment to equality? "In the study, we create a solid foundation that helps to enable a development towards more diversity and inclusion in practice," explains Simone Müller-Staubli, initiator of Swiss Diversity.
Swiss Diversity and the ZHAW are supported by the Equal Opportunities Office of the Canton of Zurich and BKW AG, the energy and infrastructure company based in Bern. Sonja Michel, Business Transformation at BKW, explains BKW's commitment with the fact that a huge variety of personalities, cultures and experiences come together in the internationally active company: "We support the study with the goal of ensuring that as many people as possible can work in equal-opportunity and inclusive corporate cultures. Because on the one hand, the study promotes understanding in our company about the connections between diversity and economic success. On the other hand, it also provides other Swiss companies with valuable recommendations for action for their strategic diversity management."
Inspiration for Swiss Companies in Diversity and Inclusion
The results should inspire Swiss companies to stand up for a diverse and inclusive corporate culture. Patrick Krauskopf emphasizes that it is essential to treat diversity and inclusion at the highest level: "Strategic diversity and inclusion management is needed that goes beyond the HR departments and is anchored in all areas of the organization. After all, increased equality of opportunity benefits the company economically.
This finding is central for the Equality Office of the Canton of Zurich: "For us, the key to confirming the cost-effectiveness of inclusion and diversity is to use this study to show the economic progress. In this way, we can implement diversity and inclusion convincingly and more comprehensively," says Head Helena Trachsel.
Source and further information: www.swissdiversity.com
This article originally appeared on m-q.ch - https://www.m-q.ch/de/diversity-und-inklusion-wettbewerbsvorteil-fuer-firmen/