aeesuisse Congress 2022 meets with great interest

The current challenging geopolitical situation makes it clear how dangerous Switzerland's energy dependence is. One thing is clear: the energy turnaround is the only way Switzerland can ensure security of supply in the long term. This was made clear at this year's aeesuisse Congress. aeesuisse Congress 2022: "Release the brakes. Act now!" At the aeesuisse congress 2022, the energy turnaround was presented as a guarantor [...]

aeesuisse Congress
Federal Councillor Sommaruga spoke at the aeesuisse Congress 2022. (Image:

The current challenging geopolitical situation makes it clear how dangerous Switzerland's energy dependence is. One thing is clear: the energy transition is the only way Switzerland can ensure security of supply in the long term. This became clear at this year's aeesuisse congress.

aeesuisse Congress 2022: "Release the brakes. Act now!"

As part of the aeesuisse Congress 2022, the energy transition as a guarantee for security of supply was discussed by numerous relevant and prominent speakers. Under the motto "Release the brakes. Act now!", the conference on September 1, 2022 in Emmenbrücke met with great interest. The aeesuisse Congress has established itself as a central meeting place for the energy sector in recent years. aeesuisse is the umbrella organization of the renewable energy and energy efficiency industry. It represents the interests of 35 industry associations and thus around 35,000 companies in Switzerland.

Top-class speakers from business and politics

The congress day started excitingly and interactively with the "Market of Energy Turners": During a live project pitching, the audience chose Ernst Schweizer AG, the sustainability and solar pioneer of the first hour, as the winner of the competition. With the presented photovoltaic mounting system, Ernst Schweizer AG not only makes an important contribution to the urgent expansion of renewable energies, but also strengthens the circular economy. The "aeesuisse Prize 2022" was presented by Gianni Operto, President of aeesuisse. 

This was immediately followed by exciting keynotes on the heat transition, the possibilities of photovoltaic technology, and innovations in e-mobility charging infrastructure from Lars Hummelmose, Director at the Danish Board of District Heating, Noah Heynen, Helion CEO, and Patrick Kern, CEO of Brugg eConnect AG.

Insight into the current federal energy policy

In the afternoon, the congress started with a keynote on the current energy policy by Federal Councilor Simonetta Sommaruga. This was followed by exciting and cutting-edge keynotes on Europe, business and transformation in the energy transition by Cornelia Daniel, owner of the Dachgold Initiative and Austrian of the Year 2020, Martin Schwab, CEO of CKW AG, Dr. Günther Bachmann, former Secretary General of the German Sustainability Council and advisor to the German federal government, and Helmut Ruhl, CEO of AMAG Group AG.

At the end of the congress, the energy transition as a guarantor of supply security was discussed with representatives from politics, science and business at the Energy Talk. The participants included Damian Müller, Member of the Council of States FDP, Peter Galliker, CEO of Galliker Transport AG, Gabriela Suter, National Councillor SP and Prof. Dr. Gabriela Hug, Professor Power Systems Laboratory at ETH Zurich. The congress was rounded off by a closing speech by Priska Wismer-Felder, National Councillor for the Center and Vice President of aeesuisse.

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