Independent test institute enhances national cyber security in Switzerland
A new National Test Institute for Cybersecurity (NTC) is taking on an important function in strengthening Switzerland's cybersecurity and independence. It is located in Zug. Start-up funding has now been secured after the referendum deadline expired on June 7, 2022, and the unanimous decision of the Zug Cantonal Council on March 31, 2022, has become legally binding. After the successful pilot phase [...]
A new National Test Institute for Cybersecurity (NTC) is taking on an important function in strengthening Switzerland's cybersecurity and independence. It is located in Zug. Start-up funding has now been secured after the referendum deadline expired on June 7, 2022, and the unanimous decision of the Zug Cantonal Council on March 31, 2022, has become legally binding. After the successful pilot phase, the actual establishment of the NTC as an independent test institute can now take place. The NTC has existed as an association domiciled in the canton of Zug since December 2020.
Increasing cyber risks demand differentiated security checks
In Switzerland, millions of digital components, devices and apps are in use every day. According to prevailing expert opinion, almost every digital product has unknown vulnerabilities. Due to increasing networking and widespread use, this leads to considerable risks for society and the economy. Numerous digital products are not subject to any central testing obligation. In addition, there is a lack of incentives for private sector security companies to conduct security audits on their own initiative and at their own expense. As a result, security audits for the benefit of society do not take place to the required extent and depth today.Independent testing institute increases cyber resilience
The NTC is an objective and neutral institute that tests networked products and digital applications for trustworthiness and security. The tests are carried out in cooperation with industry, IT security companies and universities, and are initiated on the institute's own initiative if necessary. The NTC is a non-profit organization. It acts completely independently; financial participation by product manufacturers and service providers is excluded by statute.Center for competence and knowledge transfer
In its work, the testing institute is guided by internationally accepted recommendations and standards. The high quality of the testing service is ensured by its own expertise as well as by an active exchange of knowledge with international experts. The close exchange with other cybersecurity organizations in Germany and abroad, as well as with the National Cyber Security Center (NCSC), ensures that existing measures are synergistically intertwined and that retrievable capacities are available. In addition, the NTC points out vulnerabilities in products and services and makes its expertise available to manufacturers of IT components and digital applications, as well as to the business community and the general public. With its testing and research projects, the NTC fulfills its mission to increase security in Switzerland. To this end, local and international cybersecurity specialists are now invited to fulfill this mission together with the NTC. More information: ntc.swissThis article originally appeared on -