E-government solutions: Leading provider comes to Switzerland
For ten years, aforms2web has been contributing to the digitization of Swiss administration with its e-government solutions. The Austrian parent company aforms2web solutions & services GmbH, based in Vienna, is part of the DPI holding company, which is also Austrian. This is family-owned and has annual sales of around 70 million euros in communications services with more than 300 employees. In the last financial year, it generated [...]
For ten years, aforms2web has been contributing to the digitization of Swiss administration with its e-government solutions. The Austrian parent company aforms2web solutions & services GmbH, based in Vienna, is part of the DPI holding company, which is also Austrian. This is family-owned and has an annual turnover of around 70 million euros from communications services with more than 300 employees. In the last fiscal year, the company generated more than 50% of its sales in the Swiss and Liechtenstein markets.
No more tedious downloading of forms
Among the products of aforms2web is the form solution "AFORMSOLUTION (AFS)". Today, online forms can be seamlessly embedded into the IT structure of the federal government and numerous administrations. This eliminates the tedious download and return of completed forms as well as the manual entry of data. Thanks to electronic business case processing, all processes are fully traceable. Since January 1, 2022, aforms2web has been present in Switzerland in the immediate vicinity of the Federal Palace in the city of Bern. This means that the company is now also available locally for its customers.E-government solutions: Federal government and seven cantons as customers
At the federal level in Switzerland, the Federal Office for Civil Protection FOCP and the Federal Electricity Commission ElCom already rely on aforms2web's trilingual forms. Since 2011, aforms2web has also been a partner for the entire lifecycle of online services in seven Swiss cantons (GL, LU, OW, SH, SO, SZ, ZG). In addition, there are municipalities and cities, such as Winterthur, St. Gallen and Zug, as well as customers from the social security sector. In the canton of Lucerne, thanks to aforms2web's solution, it is now possible, among many others, to order Covid certificates, submit applications for hardship support for officially closed businesses, register inheritances or report the loss of a vehicle registration card with just one click. The canton of Zug and its municipalities have also implemented aforms2web's form solution, e.g. for calculating withholding tax, ordering vehicle inspection plates, obtaining permits for events, creating a sales contract, application form for energy subsidy program, and much more.Compatible with the federal GEVER system
The interoperability solution with the standard software Acta Nova from GEVER, the business management system of the Swiss Federal Administration, opened up new business areas for aforms2web last year. More and more departments are interested in digitizing their services. "We locate great potential for our services. In the past, we have proven in Switzerland, Austria and Liechtenstein that we are a reliable and long-term partner for administrations and can implement functioning e-government solutions in a short time. We would like to continue this success story in Switzerland in the coming years," says Marvin Behrendt, the managing director of aforms2web AG. More information: www.aforms2web.chThis article originally appeared on m-q.ch - https://www.m-q.ch/de/e-government-loesungen-fuehrender-anbieter-kommt-in-die-schweiz/