Re-Thinking Diversity becomes a new partner member of Perikom

With "Re-Thinking Diversity" as a new partner member, Perikom is expanding its expertise in the increasingly important areas of diversity and inclusion. The Perikom association now has 15 partner members.

Barbara Fry Henchoz, founder of Re-Thinking Diversity. (Image: zVg.)

"Dealing competently with diversity and living an appreciative culture are challenging topics. In addition to diversity competence, this also requires dialog and storytelling," explains Barbara Fry Henchoz, founder of Re-Thinking Diversity. Hence the commitment to the professional association: "Perikom combines HR and communication, the two key areas for D&I, under one roof and is therefore the perfect partner for shaping a future-oriented work culture".

From diversity & inclusion to sustainability 

With Re-Thinking Diversity, the Perikom association now has 15 partner members who, among other things, regularly organize evening events for HR and communication managers to share their experiences.

The first event of the new partner member will be presented in a webinar using the Swiss Armed Forces as a case study. HR managers Martina Morard-Egli, Michael Zürcher and Vanessa Kleinschnittger will show how the undesirable influence of unconscious bias on personnel decisions can be sustainably reduced through targeted HR process design. The Webinar "The Power of Process Design" takes place at the end of February.

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