The shortlist for the Edi. 24 has been determined
The jury of the Swiss Commissioned and Commercial Film Award Edi. has shortlisted 38 films. Which films will make the running will be announced on November 7 at the award ceremony in Zurich's Schiffbau.
This year, the Swissfilm Association is organizing the Edi. Award, under the patronage of the Federal Department of Home Affairs. The aim of the award for outstanding Swiss productions is to raise awareness of Swiss commissioned filmmaking. From this year's submissions, over 150 experts have selected 38 films nominated in the four main categories Commercials, Corporate Communication, Branded Content and Animation.
The most important assessment criterion is the audiovisually convincing implementation of the communication brief. The script, direction, image, music, sound and editing must therefore form an artistic unit that does justice to the content conveyed and realizes the client's brief for the production.
The Edi.24 Award Night will take place on November 7, 2024 at the Schiffbau in Zurich.