Sebastian Rudolph is company spokesperson of the year in Germany

The company spokesperson of the year 2024 is Sebastian Rudolph. The Head of Communications at Volkswagen and Porsche received the best rating in the 22nd edition of the survey conducted by the trade journal Wirtschaftsjournalist:in.


(Image: zVg. Porsche/Eyecatchme)

After a long time, a representative of the German automotive industry is once again at the top of the rankings. The 47-year-old has already been in the top ranks of the survey in previous years.

When asked about the difficult situation in the German automotive industry, Rudolph responds pragmatically: "Fair weather or rainy days - the work remains the same." The automotive industry is in a phase of transformation, but he thinks in terms of opportunities. And repeatedly emphasizes the role of his "fantastic team", which makes awards like this possible in the first place.

And how does Rudolph manage the dual role as Head of Communications for two DAX companies? Organizing, delegating and prioritizing are the cornerstones. And: "Part of the truth is that you have to be able to switch off," Rudolph continues. Family and sport are his areas of strength.

As part of the survey, 112 journalists assessed 140 spokespeople from companies and associations. Thomas Voigt from the Otto Group was voted in second place, with Monika Schaller from SAP, Silke Walter from EnBW and last year's winner Philipp Schindera from Deutsche Telekom tied for third place.

The top 10 this year

  1. Sebastian Rudolph, VW, Porsche
  2. Thomas Voigt, Otto Group
  3. Monika Schaller, SAP
  4. Silke Walter, EnBW
  5. Philipp Schindera, Deutsche Telekom
  6. Herbert Arthen, DM
  7. Jörg Howe, Daimler Truck
  8. Ingrid M. Haas, Deutsche Börse
  9. Jan Runau, Adidas
  10. Margarita Thiel, Aareal Bank

Places 11 to 140 are available in the current issue of Wirtschaftsjournalist:in.

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