Marketagent: This is how happy the Swiss are
The market and opinion research institute Marketagent Switzerland investigated happiness in a recent survey of 1,037 respondents from German-speaking and French-speaking Switzerland and also asked whether social media contributes to happiness.
How happy will the domestic population be in 2024? The market research company investigated this in a survey. According to the survey, 17% of Swiss people would describe themselves as "very happy". This is particularly true of couple households without children (20%). But there are also regional differences: people in German-speaking Switzerland say they are very happy more often (19%) - in contrast to people in French-speaking Switzerland (11%).
Only less than 1 percent of Swiss people describe themselves as barely satisfied with their lives. 42% would not change anything at all, but would continue to live as before if they won a lottery jackpot. Even though most Swiss people describe themselves as (very) happy (68%), significantly fewer (45%) believe that people in their home country are generally happy. Only 6 percent think that the population as a whole is "very happy". 35% of respondents say they have only recently (today or yesterday) felt really happy and 27% within the last week.
Interestingly, the age at which people think they are happiest and the age at which they are actually happiest vary greatly: 38% of Swiss people believe that they are happiest between the ages of 20 and 39. Only 13% believe they are happiest after the age of 60. However, people aged 60+ actually rate their own happiness highest. 25 percent of 60- to 69-year-olds are currently very happy.
How happy does social media make you?
We also wanted to know from respondents whether the vacation photos posted on social media (e.g. Facebook, Instagram, etc.) tend to make them happy or unhappy. Just under a third of Swiss people (32%) say that vacation photos of other people make them "very/rather happy", with this positive feeling being mentioned significantly more often by 14-19-year-olds (52%) than by other age groups. However, there are also other feelings: 8 percent of Swiss people feel "rather/very unhappy" when looking at other people's vacation photos, especially younger people (13% of 14-19-year-olds, 14% of 20-29-year-olds).