New brand world for Switzerland Tourism

In 2024, Switzerland Tourism (ST) will lead its brand into a new era. The new brand world will be presented for the first time at the Swiss Holiday Day in Geneva on April 29. ST writes this in its press release of January 9.

Switzerland Tourism new
Switzerland Tourism's redesigned brand world will be presented on April 29. Nothing more can be gleaned from the communication from the Swiss marketer.

The golden flower - ST's logo - has been around for almost 30 years. According to the Swiss tourism organization, today's requirements for a brand with global visibility are very different from those that were set when it was founded. This is why the new brand world will be presented to the tourism industry for the first time at the Swiss Holiday Day in April. 

To ensure that the Swiss tourism brand can continue to develop its full impact in the future and adapt easily to new and future marketing communication channels, ST has decided to create a new, unique and recognizable digital Swiss brand world that will last for a whole generation.

Since 1995, the ST logo - the golden flower - has been displayed millions of times and used effectively on hundreds of thousands of advertising media. It has always given Switzerland a likeable, valuable and very authentic image and has been a strong brand for Switzerland as a tourist destination. Not only ST wore the Goldblume with pride, but also many industry organizations, destinations and service providers. But now it is also time for the Goldblume to enter the digital brand world.

The process of creating this new brand world was accompanied by MADE Identity AG started. ST will define the timetable and framework for the launch of the brand in the coming months. The new brand world will be presented to the tourism industry for the first time at the Swiss Holiday Day in Geneva on April 29, 2024.

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