Silverspot develops brand melody for Spar

A sonorous collaboration: Spar and the Silverspot agency have developed a new, catchy brand melody for the retail company in recent months.

Spar Switzerland

The agency is convinced that the new melody has what it takes to become a catchy tune. The initial musical input came from Spar advertising manager Lillian Steiner. Silverspot audio specialists Remo Civatti, Managing Director, and Nicolas Vonlanthen, Creative Director, built the new melody on this: "It was an exciting task. The result is a fresh and upbeat brand composition to sing along to, a musical masterpiece that we can all be proud of."

Silverspot and Spar were jointly responsible for casting the vocal part. The perfect voice of Silverspot employee Michelle Civatti was chosen for the new Spar brand melody, which will accompany Spar customers in the near future.

This new melody will now be used across the entire Spar Switzerland brand to create an unmistakable acoustic identity. The first step is to incorporate it into the store announcements and the video material produced by Spar.

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