Four books that might interest you

In cooperation with GetAbstract we present four books from the marketing and communication sector. This time: "Best-Ager Marketing", "Successful Career Strategy", "Designing Top Class Webinars in 6 Steps" and "Quiet People - Strong Words".

Best Ager Marketing

Best Ager Marketing

How to understand and reach the target group 50plus.

  • Author: Hartwin Maas
  • Publisher: Haufe Verlag, 2023
  • Pages: 254
  • ISBN: 9783648169667

People over 50 are the consumer group with the highest purchasing power. But a large proportion of them do not feel addressed by advertising. Hartwin Maas explains in detail how companies can tailor their marketing measures to Best Agers. In doing so, he not only provides interesting information from generational research, but also gives a lot of basic information on marketing concepts and strategies. Those who follow his suggestions will put their best-ager marketing on a solid footing.

Successful career strategy

The path to the dream job.

  • Author: Sven Sommerlatte
  • Publisher: Springer, 2022
  • Pages: 186
  • ISBN: 9783662648421

Everyone is responsible for their own career. If you're smart, you set a distant career goal and work consistently toward it instead of letting career advancement come to you. Indeed, those who have their dream job in mind can develop a strategy to achieve it. The author, an old hand in personnel development, provides numerous tips for successful career management. The book is therefore ideal for career starters before or at the beginning of their career.

Create top-class webinars in 6 steps

That's how you wow your audience.

  • Author: Raffaele Sciortino
  • Publisher: GABAL, 2023
  • Pages: 176
  • ISBN: 9783967391381

Webinars differ significantly from conventional seminars because the leader and the participants are not in direct contact with each other. It is a virtual communication with several special features. The author explains what these are. He also shows how speakers and instructors can proceed to overcome the technical and didactic challenges in designing their own webinars. An understandable guide for anyone who wants to get the best out of their webinars.

Quiet people - strong words

The communication training for introverted personalities.

  • Author: Sylvia Löhken
  • Publisher: GABAL, 2022
  • Pages: 180
  • ISBN: 9783967391008

Introverts are often determined, focused and empathetic. However, they quickly feel overwhelmed in group situations. In order to succeed at work, they must learn to use their strengths. At the same time, they need to overcome their own passivity and conflict aversion when dealing with colleagues and superiors. In her book, communication trainer Sylvia Löhken provides many useful tips with easy-to-implement exercises. Her great empathy and understanding for quiet personalities make the guidebook a valuable read - even for extroverts.

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