Rocket realizes rebranding and new websites for BBT

The Lucerne-based agency Rocket has rejuvenated the entire brand presence, including the logo, for the software developer BBT Software, as well as designing the new website and an online design manual.

BBT Software

BBT Software is active in the market for operating software for insurers - first and foremost health insurers. Rocket's task was to reflect BBT's innovative strength appropriately in its external appearance as well.

In a co-creation process, the website was underwent a complete redesign. In addition, the logo was rejuvenated with fresh, interlocking colors and a new claim was integrated. To match the new look, Rocket also created a completely new visual world for BBT.

As a basis for simplifying future communications work, the Lucerne-based agency also developed its own website with Frontify from the classic CI/CD manual in PDF format. As an online design manual, it is always kept up to date and can be consulted by all those involved as needed.

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