New study shows strong impact of cross-media advertising mix

While the online pharmacy Zur Rose enjoys a high level of awareness in German-speaking Switzerland, it is still less established in French-speaking Switzerland. To change this, the company launched a cross-media campaign in the fall of 2022 in collaboration with the interdisciplinary iundf agency group. The centerpiece was Swiss Post's multichannel media offering with two addressed advertising letters - an initial and a reminder mailing [...]

To the rose

While the online pharmacy Zur Rose enjoys a high level of awareness in German-speaking Switzerland, it is still less established in French-speaking Switzerland. To change this, the company launched a cross-media campaign in the fall of 2022 in collaboration with the interdisciplinary iundf agency group. The centerpiece was Swiss Post's multichannel media offering with two addressed advertising letters - an initial and a reminder mailing - as well as an unaddressed mailing. To amplify the impact, Zur Rose also relied on the following online and offline channels: Digital Out of Home in post offices and on regional public transport, Facebook Ads, Display Ads, and flyers placed at relevant medical touchpoints such as medical supply stores.

To measure the advertising impact of the cross-media campaign, the market research company DemoSCOPE subsequently conducted an impact study. René Brawand, Project Manager Social Research at DemoSCOPE, sums up the most important result of the study: "The channels chosen for this campaign were successful - especially the flyer in the mailbox and the addressed advertising letter."

Significantly higher awareness

The campaign significantly increased both aided and unaided awareness of the Zur Rose brand: Supported awareness is 101 percent higher among people in the scatter area than among the control group. Unaided awareness of the company in the scatter area is even 156 percent higher compared to the control group. The top-of-mind mentions, in which Zur Rose is named unaided as the first mail-order/online pharmacy, are also significantly higher in the scatter area - by a remarkable 144 percent.

High attention to physical advertising

The study also examined advertising perception. 43 percent of the people in the area surveyed said they had seen advertising from Zur Rose. This shows how strongly printed mailings work. More than half of these people have seen the flyer in their mailbox and almost a third have seen the personally addressed advertising letter.

Better image values

In order to determine the impact of the cross-media campaign on the corporate image, the respondents rated statements about the Zur Rose brand on a scale of 1 (not at all true) to 10 (completely true). This showed that the proportion of people who gave a value between 8 and 10 for the attributes questioned was significantly higher in the scatter area for all brand values. The values "Innovative/always brings something new" (plus 159 percent), "Good value for money" (plus 115 percent) and "Friendly employees" (plus 82 percent) improved particularly strongly. People in the dispersion area thus perceive Zur Rose significantly more positively than the control group.

The study, commissioned by Post Advertising, aimed to analyze the advertising impact of Zur Rose's launch campaign in French-speaking Switzerland on awareness, perception and attitudes. To this end, DemoSCOPE conducted a total of 668 interviews (603 telephone interviews and 65 online interviews) at the end of 2022 among French-speaking private individuals aged 55 and over who reside in French-speaking Switzerland. The test group included individuals from the dispersion area who had received an initial addressed promotional letter six weeks earlier. For the control group, DemoSCOPE recruited people outside the scatter area.

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