"Smart events: live, but digitally accompanied!"

"We don't believe in hybrid events where an online version is broadcast parallel to the live show" says Roland Brand, CEO Easyfairs D,A,CH countries in an interview.

Roland Brand of Easyfairs on the topic of smart events: "Digital technologies primarily help exhibitors to increase their reach and optimize lead management." (Image: Easyfairs)

At the beginning of March, the Easyfairs trade fairs all about automation at the Friedrichshafen trade fair and KPA at the Ulm trade fair will continue with a trade fair double pack with free admission for visitors. These are dates for which the journey from Switzerland or Austria and Liechtenstein to nearby Germany is worthwhile. Roland Brand, Easyfairs CEO for the D,A,CH countries talks about the future of the fair in the following interview.

Roland Brand, we are just before the automation trade show all about automation and the plastics technology trade show KPA Plastics Products News. What keeps you most busy at the moment and keeps you awake?
This close to the trade show, one always sleeps a little more fitfully. We want to offer our exhibitors and partners a thoroughly positive experience and provide them with the best possible support on their way to the trade fair. Nothing must be forgotten and you have to pay attention to every detail. The exhibiting companies are our stars and we want to put them in the best possible light before the show as well as at the show. In Friedrichshafen, more than 300 exhibitors will be at the start for the first time, and all our previous trade fairs in 2023 are in the plus figures. At the Kuteno from may 2023 in Rheda-Wiedenbrück, the exhibition halls are practically fully booked, also with 300 exhibitors. These are unmistakable votes of the exhibitors for the medium trade fair. They want to do everything right so that all participants can enjoy the two days of business, know-how and networking to the full and achieve their trade show goals.

Dominating topics in the manufacturing and robotics industry are cost increases, delivery difficulties, material shortages and the demand for future climate neutrality in manufacturing: What can be seen of these at the upcoming trade shows?
There is a lot of that to see. On the one hand, our exhibitors are showing the innovative approaches and solutions they are using to tackle these challenges. On the other hand, these topics occupy a central place in the supporting program.

Another big issue in the economy is the shortage of skilled workers. Where did they actually disappear to during Covid? How does a company in the Swiss workplace find the skilled workers that are so important? Abroad?
I do not have the final answer to this question either. But I am happy to mention that trade fairs play an important role in solving this challenge to the economy. On expert panels, they become a topic at all Easyfairs trade fairs. Because among the visitors to a trade fair, there are of course always interesting and interested candidates for open positions.

Experienced trade show professional Björn Kempe says: "For me, online clearly hasn't worked in the trade show industry, and hybrid only to a limited extent. I see more of a trend back to the basics in marketing, to media, social networks and to theme marketing." On the other hand, the pandemic has also led to ongoing transformations in the trade show industry. To which ones?
We at Easyfairs also held dozens of online and hybrid events in a variety of forms during and after the pandemic. But our experience from participant feedback clearly showed that the live format, the "real" trade show, is by far the preferred medium for companies. We also do not believe in hybrid events, where parallel to the live trade show, an online version is broadcast. But we clearly believe in the hybrid in the sense of a year-round, digital service of the exhibitor and visitor communities with information around the corresponding trade fair topic. This transformation from trade show maker to community platform operator is one of the most obvious to watch. The benchmark for evaluating the success of the trade fair after the post-Covid euphoria, because live events were possible again, is, among other things, the number of visitors. They show up so far on all Easyfairs fairs in 2023 in increase of guests and absolute numbers on record level!

Does the economy really still need trade fairs in the age of digital transformation? Which trade fairs does the economy really need?
Of course there is a need for trade fairs! Especially now, after the pandemic, we are very happy about the many feedbacks from exhibiting companies and visitors who are glad that it is finally possible again to meet live and in person, to find and try out news, to fill the potential customer files again, etc. By the way, during company visits in Silicon Valley, I was confirmed by high tech companies that they also believe in the live trade show format and also consider it necessary. Which trade fairs does business need? Actually, any trade show that brings something to the industry. In other words, those trade fairs that attract enough attention, feature interesting content and innovations, and provide the right atmosphere and opportunity to make new contacts. In other words, trade fairs that provide exhibitors with a good ROI (Return On Investment) and visitors with a high ROT (Return On Time Invested).

Ahead of all about automation in Friedrichshafen and Kunststoff Produkte Aktuell KPA in Ulm, both on March 7 and 8, 2023, and Kunststofftechnik Nord, Kuteno from May 9 - 11 in Rheda-Wiedenbrück: What are the registration statuses here? And above all: what do the exhibitors have to say about the upcoming trade shows?
The registration levels are really highly gratifying. At the all about automation in Friedrichshafen, a new record will be reached with around 300 participating companies, the Kuteno is already practically sold out and the KPA will be stronger than at the last event 4 years ago with well over 100 exhibitors at the new start under our leadership. I think these facts and figures alone reflect the tenor from the business community: there is a need for trade fairs!

What can be expected in terms of digital flanking of the Easyfairs trade fairs in 2023? How will the focus on communities continue?
The already existing, comprehensive digital flanking of our trade shows is continuing at a fast pace. On the one hand, the existing offerings are to be improved, and on the other, expanded with new features. Above all, we want to expand further in the direction of community matchmaking.

When asked what makes up the Easyfairs mindset, what do you say?
Our way of thinking is primarily aimed at helping communities to expand their customer and relationship network. To do this, we create the most meaningful and not the largest possible formats in each case and organize them where it is most promising for the relevant industries, rather than where our own infrastructure is located. Together with the less costly and financially manageable all-in stand offers, we always strive to guarantee the exhibitors and visitors the greatest possible ROI or RED in the overall package and thus help them and their industries in the best possible way.

The interview was conducted by Urs Seiler from the Smartville Agency Ltd..

The next fairs of Easyfairs:

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