These are the most popular brands among the Swiss population

Migros, Coop and Die Post are among the top 10 brands among the Swiss population. The ranking is increasingly dominated by the big digital brands such as WhatsApp, Google and YouTube. This is shown by the "Brand Indicator Switzerland" 2023 published by Frank Bodin, deeptrue, PRfact and furrerhugi. These are the results WhatsApp, Migros, Google, Coop and [...]

Brand Indicator
More and more tech brands are making it into the rankings. Image: Dima Solomin, Unsplash.

Migros, Coop and Die Post are among the top 10 brands among the Swiss population. The ranking is increasingly dominated by the big digital brands such as WhatsApp, Google and YouTube. This is shown by the "Brand Indicator Switzerland" 2023 published by Frank Bodin, deeptrue, PRfact and furrerhugi.

These are the results

WhatsApp, Migros, Google, Coop and YouTube - these are the top five brands of the Swiss population. In general, Swiss retail brands and US tech giants are well received, as the latest "Brand Indicator Switzerland" 2023 survey of Swiss people shows. The biggest climbers are, Twint and Denner. A direct comparison of the top 100 brands with last year's ranking is difficult, however, as some new brands were included in the survey.

A look at selected sectors shows that Post Finance is the most popular brand among banks. When it comes to payment systems, Mastercard and Twint are virtually tied at the top. And among car brands, BMW comes out on top ahead of VW and Audi. Among the media, it is noticeable that the hype surrounding YouTube and Netflix has diminished somewhat. In German-speaking Switzerland, SRF and Netflix are almost on a par with each other.

The biggest losers are popular traditional Swiss brands such as SRF (from 12 to 42), Ovaltine (from 18 to 37), Rivella (from 22 to 56), Chocolat Frey (from 26 to 62), Kägi (from 29 to 60), Swiss (from 33 to 65) or Swisscom (from 34 to 68). 70% of the top 100 brands are Swiss. Swatch, Nestlé or Hero, but also Nike, Coca-Cola or McDonalds did not make it into the top 100 brands.

A comparison of the young (under 30s) with the population as a whole is revealing: 6 of the top 10 brands are digital, and with iPhone, Netflix, Spotify, Apple, Microsoft, Instagram, further digital brands are added to the top 25 brands, which in the population as a whole are all at the bottom of the list or even not in the top 100 at all. While 70 percent of the ranking for the overall population features Swiss brands, this percentage drops to 50 percent among young people. It is striking that Coop has overtaken Migros among the young and is the most attractive Swiss brand. Twint and Die Post also made it into the top 10.

Brands of the future

The brands of the future are Google, WhatsApp, Coop incl. Supercard, Youtube and Twint. This is the result of the "Brand Indicator Switzerland" survey of Influencial Opinion Leaders (IOPs), the opinion leaders of Switzerland. These are always a little ahead of the times, influence their followers and set trends. Migros loses even more among the IOPs than among the young - and lands in 24th place, still behind Lidl, Denner, Prix Garantie, Coop City and

More information is available here.

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