Marketing Agenda 2023: The industry's opinion is needed

At the end of the year, the European Marketing Confederation, together with its member Swiss Marketing, launches a survey for Switzerland to ascertain the focus areas and projects for the coming year in marketing 2023 across Europe. Every year, EMC produces the Europe-wide survey, which maps the upcoming interests of the countries. This is intended to identify topics, trends and challenges in [...]

European Marketing

At the end of the year, the European Marketing Confederation, together with its member Swiss Marketing, is launching a survey for Switzerland to ascertain the focus areas and projects for the coming year in marketing 2023 across Europe.

Every year, EMC produces the Europe-wide study, which maps the upcoming interests of the countries. This is intended to identify topics, trends and challenges in marketing and sales at an early stage and to shape solutions.

Until 20 December 2022 can participate online and anonymously in the survey and contribute to the quality of the study. All participants thus help to position Switzerland more precisely in terms of marketing and sales.

Click here for the industry survey!

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