Four books that might interest you

The Happiness Principle How to become more successful and powerful with 7 building blocks of Positive Psychology. Author: Shawn Achor Publisher: Unimedica, 2020 Pages: 328 ISBN: 9783962571634 Who doesn't want to be happy and successful at work, overcoming challenges while having enough time for friends and family? The reality is different in many companies. Stress, adversity [...]

The Happiness PrincipleThe Happiness Principle

How to become more successful and powerful with 7 building blocks of Positive Psychology.

  • Author: Shawn Achor
  • Publisher: Unimedica, 2020
  • Pages: 328
  • ISBN: 9783962571634

Who doesn't want to be happy and successful at work, master challenges, and have enough time for friends and family? The reality is different in many companies. Stress, adversity and the feeling that nothing can be changed demotivate employees and make them unhappy. Shawn Achor derives seven building blocks from the findings of positive psychology, with the help of which everyone can become the architect of their own happiness. He describes the hurdles that stand in the way of happiness in a realistic and true-to-life way and gives tips on how to overcome them.

On the Way to New Work

When work becomes something that empowers people.

  • Author: Christoph Magnussen, Swantje Allmers and Michael Trautmann
  • Publisher: Vahlen Verlag, 2022
  • Pages: 412
  • ISBN: 9783800666591

There are many books on New Work, but few are as ambitious. You won't find detailed descriptions of models and methods here, but a large selection of examples from corporate practice. They are taken from the consulting activities of the authors and their podcasts. The content ranges from problem solving for individuals to solving major world problems, such as climate change. The detailed tips on self-management and organizational structure are helpful. It's not quite as clear why New Work is supposed to be the answer to everything else, too.

Well asked is half sold

Successful selling with psychological questioning techniques.

  • Author: Roman Kmenta
  • Publisher: VoV Media, 2022
  • Pages: 224
  • ISBN: 9783903845305

If only all books were written like this! This one reads easily and entertainingly, draws from the real life of a salesman and what is said can be implemented immediately. The only question mark: Do you really want to sell something anytime and anywhere, as Roman Kmenta suggests? Of course, he says, you want and have to achieve your goals. Everything in life is a question of sales technique. So he unleashes a fireworks display of guileless-sounding and likeable sales questions. He sells himself and his books just as winningly - completely legitimately from a salesman's point of view.

Leadership and self-deception

Out of the box.

  • Author: The Arbinger Institute
  • Publisher: GABAL, 2021
  • Pages: 240
  • ISBN: 9783967390742

Managers and employees often work against each other instead of with each other. In this way, they endanger the success or even the existence of their company. They focus only on themselves and lose sight of the common interests. They are "in the box." What this means and how to get out of the box is shown in this insightful book. The authors skillfully use the storytelling method to do this. Instead of a dry nonfiction book, they have written an exciting story.

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