Brown Bag Talk on "Customer Behavior: Between Nudge and Neuro".

The "Brown Bag Series" format launched in June by the HWZ Hochschule für Wirtschaft Zürich, Swiss Marketing Forum and AZ Konzept is aimed at executives in marketing and communications and is intended to impart specialist knowledge at university level with practical relevance. The "homo oeconomicus" - the idealized image of the rational decision-maker for decades - has become more [...]

Brown Bag SeriesThe "Brown Bag Series" format launched in June by the HWZ Hochschule für Wirtschaft Zürich, Swiss Marketing Forum and AZ Konzept is aimed at executives in marketing and communications and is intended to impart specialist knowledge at university level with practical relevance.

The "homo oeconomicus" - the idealized image of the rational decision-maker for decades - has been facing more and more headwind in recent years. In many situations, people do not make decisions rationally, with abbreviated processes, unconsciously or simply emotionally. Our brain wants to make our work easier, and so only very few people are immune to the little nudges that we encounter almost everywhere.

The talk places people's decision-making and buying behavior in the context of marketing and communication, and uses selected examples to show where and how we allow ourselves to be influenced.

The live talk will take place online, Sept. 20, 2022, from 11 a.m. to noon.

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